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Andy awoke with a violent jolt. He gasped for air, doubling over and holding his stomach as he slowly began to come back to reality. He took in his surroundings: he was in his own, dark room, in his bed, with Chucky snoozing beside him. But although he could distinguish his current state from his previous night terror, it didn't calm him any less as he reflected on what he'd just experienced, immediately tearing up. He rested his back against the frame of the bed and brought his knees up to his chin, holding his legs with both arms and burying his face in his knees. He began to cry softly.
He let himself cry for a good few minutes, until he felt the mattress shift beside him. He glanced over at the source of movement to see Chucky fully awake, turned towards him, and wearing a concerned expression.
"Andy?" he questioned softly. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
This only made Andy relapse into a fit of choked sobs as he buried his face in his knees once more. Chucky was quick to stand from where he sat so that he was almost as tall as Andy, and make his way over to his distressed buddy. He wrapped his arms around him and rested his head on his shoulder.
"Andy, please don't cry, I-I'm here, I've got you," he cried.
Andy suddenly grabbed Chucky and pulled him against him, sobbing into his shoulder as he squeezed him tight.
After recovering from the shock, Chucky returned the embrace and soothingly rubbed Andy's back.
"Ssshhh, it's okay, Andy," he cooed, "it's okay."
He allowed Andy to cry it out until he had nothing left in him, and all he could do was cradle Chucky against him as he sniffled.
"You wanna tell me what happened?" Chucky spoke after a few moments.
Andy sniffled again. "I just... I-I had a bad dream," he muttered. "It was really scary and, I just was so freaked out... I dunno. It was stupid to get so worked up over a dream. I'm sorry..."
"It's okay, Andy," Chucky said with a smile, "nightmares can be really scary sometimes, even if they're not real."
They stayed like this for a while longer, before Andy began to get sleepy again. He yawned loudly as he continued to hold Chucky close.
"You should go back to bed. It's late," Chucky said with a glance towards Andy's alarm clock.
"But, I'm...," Andy shuttered, "I'm scared."
Chucky gave him a warm smile. "It's okay, Andy. I'll be right by your side. That's what best buddies are for!"
Andy smiled and gave him a small squeeze. "O-okay, thanks, Chucky," he said before resting his head against the pillow, still cradling Chucky against him.
Chucky ran a hand through Andy's hair. It wasn't long until he fell asleep to the sound of Chucky's gears humming quietly.

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