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Andy awoke to the sound of the pantry door being violently shook. He cautiously slipped out of bed and into the hallway, where he saw the small doors jerk and jiggle from the pressure of small, pounding fists. He ran a hand through his hair and heaved a heavy sigh. He wished that Karen would've listened to him so that Chucky wouldn't have to be put in there.
The doors rattled.
Something clicked inside of him. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't listen to Chucky's attempts to break free all night. Quickly he made his way over to the small space and knelt down, removing the latch and pushing aside the two doors.
He was met with two familiar blue eyes.
He swallowed. "Hey, Chucky-," he began.
"Andy!" Chucky cried and scrambled to jump into Andy's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck.
Andy flinched at his sudden affection.
"I was in there all alone! I don't like it in there, I missed you!"
Andy slowly returned the embrace, relieved to have Chucky safe and sound in his arms.
"I know. I'm sorry, buddy. Mom was just mad is all, but she shouldn't have put you in there."
The two sat in silence, savoring each other's presence. Andy finally gathered Chucky to his chest and stood, making his way back to his room.
He set Chucky down on the bed and climbed in and under the sheets. After leaning over to shut off the lamp, he lay his head on his pillow and closed his eyes.
He could hear Chucky's gears softly whirring from beside him as he studied him.
Andy opened his eyes.
"I'm sorry I made mom angry."
Andy sighed. "'S alright. She'll get over it."
"I know how to make it up to you."
Andy squinted. "You do? How?"
Chucky suddenly grinned. "I'll make kitty go away so that you won't be unhappy anymore."
Andy's heart sank. He sat up and looked down at the doll, alarmed. "What do you mean 'go away'?"
Chucky blinked and cocked his head. "I will hurt kitty so bad that he won't come back," he stated calmly.
Andy's pupils dilated in fear. Trying to compose himself, he took a deep breath and rubbed his temple.
"Chucky, listen to me," he breathed. "You cannot kill Rooney. If you do, mom is gonna kill you."
Chucky frowned. "But... kitty made you unhappy."
Andy relaxed a bit, gently putting a hand on Chucky's shoulder.
"I know, but, that doesn't mean I still don't love him. He's my cat. I'd be really sad if he were gone."
The mention of Andy's potential unhappiness overpowered the androids lust for revenge. "Andy would be... sad?"
Andy nodded. Chucky dropped his head in shame. "But I don't want Andy to be sad."
"I know," Andy pat his head reassuringly, "so that's why you can't hurt him, okay? And like I said, if mom found out, she'd kill you. And honestly... I'd be more upset if something happened to you."
Chucky looked up at him again, Andy's words suddenly lifting his spirits. Andy really cared about him. He grinned from ear to ear.
As if on cue, the pitter patter of tiny claws padding into the room made the two look up. Rooney crouched before the bed, then leaped up and onto it. He trudged towards Andy, stopping at Andy's side and curling up beside him.
Andy looked down at Chucky, who nervously eyed the sleeping cat. With a small chuckle, Andy lifted Chucky into his lap.
"Here," he whispered.
He took Chucky's small hand in his own, guiding it over to the cat and placing it to it's side. He gently demonstrated how to pet the tom by grazing his fingers over the orange fur. Chucky hesitantly began to imitate him. 
"See? Rooney's alright. Just as long as he's sleepy," Andy tried for a joke. Chucky slowly smiled in return.
Andy set Chucky back down beside him, settling under the covers once more.
"You're my best friend, Andy," Chucky whispered.
Andy couldn't hold back a chuckle. He dragged Chucky under the covers with him and snuggled into Chucky's chest. He found it surprisingly comforting to hold Chucky so close.
"You're my best friend, too, weirdo," he laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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