scary movie

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"You wanna watch a movie? I'm bored," Andy said, turning to look at Chucky laying beside him on his bed.
"Sure, Andy!" Chucky replied happily. Andy grabbed the remote and flipped through the libraries of movies available. He was browsing for a while until he came across a particularly scary movie, one that had just come out that year and that he had never had the chance to check out.
"Ooh, this one looks cool. It's a scary movie, though. Think you'll be able to handle it?" Andy asked, giving Chucky a small nudge.
Chucky nodded eagerly in return, to which Andy smiled and pressed play. The movie began, the first few minutes carrying on as normal as the plot began to unfold. Andy continued to watch on, one arm around Chucky and the other digging through the bag of chips that lay beside him. He was enjoying the movie so far.
Sometime around the climax of the story a scene came on screen that made Andy internally cringe. It was very gruesome, sending a chill up his spine as he continued to look at it, but nothing he couldn't handle. But as for Chucky, he did not have the stomach Andy possessed. This came to light when Andy felt Chucky turn his head so that his face was buried in Andy's shirt. He felt Chucky trembling slightly with fear as he dug his fingers into Andy's shirt as well.
Andy was quick to react. He snatched the remote and paused the movie, scooping up Chucky so that he was cradled against him like an infant.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked gently lowering his head to meet Chucky's gaze.
Chucky looked up at him with obvious fear in his eyes. "I-I didn't like that movie, Andy, it was really scary," he whimpered.
"Okay, okay, I turned it off, it's okay now," Andy soothed, petting Chucky's hair. "I'm sorry I made you watch that, I should've known you couldn't handle it."
Chucky just let Andy's soft touch ease him back to a calm state, not uttering a word. When he had composed himself, Chucky looked up at Andy, who tried for a small smile.
"But y'know," Andy whispered, "I still think you're pretty damn brave, I mean, you made it through half of the movie," he winked. Chucky's mouth lifted into a smile and he allowed himself to chuckle. Andy chuckled as well, squeezing Chucky tighter and pressing his cheek against his. "You'll always be a brave little guy in my book," he giggled, flopping onto the bed with Chucky still in his arms.
The two chuckled to themselves softly before Andy began to doze off. Chucky quietly sang the buddi song to Andy like he did every night, then fell asleep himself.

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