Chapter 3: The Tour

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It is now early in the morning at (Y/N)'s room as he wakes up, he checks the clock to see that it has the time and date.

(Y/N): 6:30 A.M. and it's April 4th, 2019. Good to know I didn't time travel on the trip since I left last night on the 3rd. Okay, time for a recap, I was in bed sleeping, was called by a mysterious voice, crash landed and got knocked out on a beach, when I came to I was in this room and met the first 12 fighters of one of my most favorite video game series, and now I am going to be a fighter in said series because I and seven others have been chosen to help save this world. I don't sound crazy at all! Hahahaha!

*Time Skip brought to you by Caboose and Ruby demanding cookies!*

*Time Skip brought to you by Caboose and Ruby demanding cookies!*

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*Knock, knock, knock

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*Knock, knock, knock.*
(Y/N): Hello?
???: Hello, (Y/N). I trust you had a safe landing?
In (Y/N)'s mind: I know that voice!

(Y/N) rushes over to open the door and has found out that it was Master Hand who had brought him here. There by his side was Crazy Hand.

(Y/N): So, you're the one who brought me here.
Master Hand: Yes, Indeed I am and it was my brother here who had sent the 12 to retrieve you from your landing sight.
Crazy Hand: You mean crash sight! Hahahaha! Did you see the size of that crater? It was glorious!
(Y/N): That explains all this sand.

(Y/N) takes off his shoes, turns them upside down, and then a mountain of sand pushes him against the ceiling.

Master Hand: Here let me help you with that.

Master Hand snaps his fingers and the sand is teleported back to the beach.

*At the beach.*
Dr. Mario was walking down the beach and then saw a strange shadow that led to something above him.

 Mario was walking down the beach and then saw a strange shadow that led to something above him

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