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The Next Morning.

Maddie's POV:

I woke up to an empty bed, but there was a note on the side table.

"Had to leave early, but I'll pick you up at 5 shorty❤️"

I smiled to myself, god she's so sweet. I can't wait to hang out with everyone tonight, just to take my mind off everything. I woke up relatively early for me. It was 9:47, so I was just going to take my time getting ready. Because I have nothing to do until noon.

I was in the middle of doing my makeup and then I remembered that my apartment is still a mess, because Billie and I never cleaned it.

I did my makeup really natural because it's going to be a chill day. I got dressed in this ↓

 I got dressed in this ↓

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After I got dressed I packed my bag for tonight, and then I started cleaning my living room. After I finished cleaning, I sat down and turned on Netflix and watched it until like noon.

There was a knock on my door and it was my nail lady, Elle.

Elle: "Hey Maddie! Got any ideas today?"

Maddie: "Believe it or not I actually do."

Elle: "Okay, what do you have in mind."

Maddie: "I was thinking we keep the length and the shape, I want all my nails red except for my index and I want that one white. With the letter 'B' on it."

Elle: "Ouhhhhh who is this 'B'?"

Maddie: "This girl that I'm talking to."

Elle: "Omg yay, I'm so happy for you."

Maddie: "Thank you, we've been hanging out for like a week? Maybe 2 now."

Elle: "So are you guys official, or."

Maddie: "No we're not, but I know she's into me. She's FaceTiming me right now hold on."

Incoming FaceTime call from Bil❤️

I answered it but I didn't say anything.

Billie: "Hey shorty, what are you doing?"

Maddie: "I'm getting my nails done, what about you?"

Billie: "I just finished planning a show for next week, and most of the venues are confirmed now."

Maddie: "Omg, I'm so happy for you."

Billie: "Let me see your nails."

Maddie: "You'll see them later."

Billie: "Okay, I'mma let finish getting your nails done. Bye, shorty."

Maddie: "Bye Billie."

Call ended.

Billie's POV:

Tonight is the night that I plan on making things official, just not the way I initially planned on. I wanna do it before we get to the twins' house, it's really about to be an in the moment thing and I like that because she won't expect it.

Finneas and I planned a show for next week, but no one confirmed it so there's probably not even going to be one. I left Maddie's at like seven, I don't know why but after reading what I read. That really fucking got to me and I hate to admit that, but it really irritated me. But there's nothing I can do it about without fucking shit up. So I came back to my house and I wrote down how I felt because that's the only way that I can reflect I guess.

Later: 4:04 PM

(are y'all tired of these odd ass times yet?)

I looked at the clock and I started getting ready to pick up Maddie, I put my bag by the door and then I made my bed. And then I walked out the door and said bye to Finneas and my mom.

As I was driving over to Maddie's I was thinking about how this was going to go, but I can see it going like seven different ways. So therefore I'm tripping out but I gotta stop because I'm at her apartment.

I walk up the like walkway and I knock on the door and she answered almost immediately.

Maddie: "Billie!"

Billie: "Shorty!"

We hugged and swayed. The usual.

Billie: "Let me see your nails."

Her arms were crossed behind her back after the hug ended.

Maddie: "Okay, you ready?"

Billie: "Yes."

She dramatically pulled her hands out of behind her back and showed me them, on her right hand there was a 'B' on her index finger and then on the other index finger it was just white.

Billie: "Shorty, these go hard."

Maddie: She laughed. "Glad you like them."

I was just admiring her nails, I smiled to myself while I was starring at my initial on her finger.

Billie: "Are you ready to go?"

Maddie: "Yea."

She picked up her bag from the couch behind me, and then she combined our hands and then interlocked our fingers. We walked to the car and I opened her door for her, I walked over to the driver side and I got in the car. I proceeded driving to the twins' place.

At the twins' place

Maddie's POV:

Billie's been acting weird ever since we got in the car, normally she has her hand on my thigh. No matter what, and this time she's driving with both hands. Like proper position. Bille turned the corner and we were at the twins' house, but she didn't turn the car off right away.

I was looking out the window in my own thoughts and I feel her hand on my thigh now, out of habit I put mine on top of her hand, and she's looking at my nail. Which made me laugh to myself, which that got her out of her trance.

Billie: "Maddie?"

She's messing with the loose strings on her shorts, she's nervous. But once she noticed that I noticed what she was doing. She stopped.

Maddie: "Yea?"

Billie: "Are you ready to make things official?"

Did I hear her right?

Maddie: I chuckled to myself. "Did I hear you right?"

Billie: "Maddie will you be my girlfriend?"


don't hate me for what's going to happen bro. 

thanks ily

words: 998.

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