- O n e h u n d r e d & f o r t y n i n e -

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Next day: Wednesday, September 4th, at 9:21AM

Maddie's POV:

I woke up to my phone ringing, I didn't even look to see who it was.

Maddie: "Hello?"

Holden: "Hey, oh my god, I'm sorry did I wake you?" He asked, concerned.

Maddie: "Yeah, but it's fine, I needed to get up anyways."

Holden: "So I was doing some research, because I haven't been here in awhile and I have forgotten some of the good spots right. So I was thinking, we start shooting at around ten-thirty or so. Then later the sky, is supposed to do this weird think and it's supposed to reflect off water. So I was thinking like a pool shot, but if you don't want to, it's completely fine."

I smiled just thinking about all the good pictures we're about to get today.

Maddie: "I could not be more down, give me sometime to get ready."

Holden: "It's only nine, I don't wanna start shooting until like ten-thirty."

Maddie: "Okay, that's fine. Where do you want me to meet you?"

Holden: "I was gonna meet you at your hotel, and then we could drive to the places I wanna shoot."

Maddie: "I'm at Park Central Hotel, seventh floor room 127."

Holden: "Okay, see you in about an hour and half."

Maddie: "Okay, bye."

Holden: "Bye."

Call Ended.

I stretched and got out of bed, I walked to the bathroom to shower and just get ready for the day.

I was in the shower, for like thirty minutes. I got out of the shower and my phone dinged.

Via Instagram:

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billieeilish: my mom made me post this picture and told me to caption "I was FaceTiming my best friend."

madisonvoyage: awww ❤️

bhadbhabie: aw look at ur smile😊

That warmed my heart, god I love her. Look at her, she looks so cute. Anyways, I finished getting ready and I looked at the time, it was ten on the dot.

Incoming Call From Babygirl❤️

Maddie: "Hello babygirl." I said in a baby voice.

Billie: "Hi shorty."

Maddie: "I saw your picture."

Billie: "My mother made me post it."

Maddie: "It was cute."

Billie: "I know." I can see her doing her little smirk she does when she gets cocky, I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Maddie: "Big ass ego." I laughed.

Billie: "You love it though."

Maddie: "You're right, how was the show last night?"

Billie: "Better than the other ones, what are you doing today?"

Maddie: "Photoshoot and meeting."

Billie: "Sounds like you're having a good time."

Maddie: "Yeah, I haven't even been here twenty-four hours. I haven't found a reason to make it hell for me yet."

I heard Billie exhale.

Maddie: "I'm joking, I'm joking. But yeah, I'm having a good time."

Billie: "You really seem genuinely happy and I couldn't be happier."

Maddie: "I am happy, but I miss you."

Billie: "I miss you too shorty, you have no clue how much I miss you."

It fell silent, Billie was on speaker phone so I could text Kenzie back. But as I was texting Kenzie, Holden texted me saying that he was on his way up.

Maddie: "I gotta go to my photoshoot, but I love you and miss you."

Billie: "I love and miss you too, get some bomb ass photos today."

Maddie: "I will thank you."

She gave me a final smile, and hung up the phone. I stood up and adjusted my outfit, I was fixing my shoelace when there was a knock at the door.

I rushed over and unlocked it, to reveal Holden.

Maddie: "Holden!"

Holden: "Maddie!" He embraced me into a hug.

Maddie: "Where are we shooting?"

Holden: "We are shooting just outside of Brooklyn, since Fashion Week is coming, it's decorated all nicely."

Maddie: "Bet, I have another look too."

Holden: "Perfect." He gave me a smile.

I walked out of the room and locked my door, we walked down the hallway and I wanted to talk but he beat me to it.

Holden: "I saw Billie's Instagram post."

Maddie: "Yeah." I couldn't help but smile.

Holden: "It was about you." He smiled back.

Maddie: "It was." I looked down at the ground trying to hide the fact that I blushed at the fact she did something like that.

Holden: "It must be so nice, having a relationship like that."

Maddie: "It's the best feeling in the world."

Holden "Was it always perfect?"

Maddie: "The overall vibe was perfect, yes, we've had dumbass arguments and disagreements. But nothing that would permanently affect us."

We walked down to his car, he has a nice ass car, why does everyone have a nice ass car? He opened the door for me, and closed it gently once I got comfortable in the car.

He got into the car shortly after me, and started driving to the location.

Holden: "Tell me a bit more about yourself, like something I wouldn't know."

Maddie: "Um, I read for fun, I used to read so much before I got this busy and this successful, I think I've read like once since June and that kind of bothers me. But I just never have time to do anything for me, but I'm kind of over it because I'm happy so I can't complain. What do you do for fun?"

Holden: "Well I am a full time student, but I don't go back to school until the twelfth. So when I have time, or I'm in Brooklyn. I volunteer at a dog shelter."

Maddie: "Shut up, no you don't."

Holden: "I can take you there if there's time."

Maddie: "Potentially, but not today." I said laughing lightly.

Holden: "So I assume you like dogs."

Maddie: "I'm getting one after tour."

Holden: "You had a dog growing up?"

Maddie: "I had two different ones, when I was younger I had Golden, and then from like ten and up I had Benny."


holden's intentions are good i swear to god.

thanks ily

words: 1007.

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