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The Next Day: August 8th Thursday, at 3:46PM

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Liked by: billieeilish, bhadbhaibe and 2,354,099 others.

madisonvoyage: I know you guys remember this post, but link in bio!

bhadbhabie: proud of you b!

billieeilish: proud of you sm!

I smiled at the comments as this is one of my favorite launches, Dani told me not to come to the twins house until 10. Which means I have to stay up really late, but I'm not doing shit today so like I can't complain.

As last night dragged on, I'm fucking nervous for seeing Billie tonight. Like I know I'll break I know I will. I'm not ready to break, like there's just so much shit going on recently. This sounds cliché as shit because it is. But I just want Billie to hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay even though it isn't.

My bag was packed, I was ready to go. But then I get a call.

Incoming call from Nicole😝

Nicole: "Hey, I've been busy. You wanna hang out tonight?"

Maddie: "I can't, I promised I'd have a sleepover with Dani and the twins."

Nicole: "Please, I really wanna see you."

No the fuck you don't.

Maddie: "We can hang out later in the week, bye I gotta go."

Call ended.

What the fuck, she leaves me alone for the last 3 days and then she wants to hang out when I'm about to fix things with Billie. This is bullshit.


You can come whenever.

                                                    big bet.

Read at 11:13PM

I got into my car and started to head to the twins house, I'm still fucking nervous as hell to see Billie. I haven't told Dani or the twins that Billie and I are on speaking terms, they probably still think that I hate her. But I have never hated her, ever.

I pull up to twins house, I waited a second before I walked in. Because everything is about to come crashing down.

I walk in the door and see Dani talking with Eli, Isaac is nowhere to be seen. Once Dani and Eli see me, they pull me into a group hug. Dude I gotta start talking to them more because they have no clue that I'm doing okay now.

Dani: "Hey babe! How are you doing?"

Maddie: "I'm doing really well, I'm really excited for this sleepover."

Dani: "Well, there's someone here that I'm hoping you'll be more excited to see."

I knew already that it was Billie.

Maddie: "Billie?"

Dani nodded slowly as there was a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Billie looking at me with the biggest smile. I don't know what was going through my brain but all I wanted to do was to hug her, I followed my instinct and hugged her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and buried my face into her neck, it took her a second to give in but when she did she held me so tight. But it wasn't tight, if I tried to escape I couldn't but there was no pressure. What I'm getting at is that it was so natural.

Dani and the twins walked into the kitchen while Billie and I were still in the hallway.

Billie: "You have no clue how much I missed you."

I didn't respond, I just hugged her tighter.

Billie: "I'm so sorry for everything that I have done to you."

I let my hand get tangled in her hair and start scratching her scalp with my nails gently, how she normally likes.

Billie: "I promise from here on out, that this will be your last relationship because I can't see myself with anyone else nor do I wanna be with anyone else. Like in the future I want you to be my wife, I love you so much.

Maddie: "I love you too."

I'm definitely whipped again.

I pulled out the hug, I didn't know I was crying until Billie wiped my tears. I took her hand off my cheek and laced our fingers together. I pulled her to the couch, I fell in between her legs and my back was rested against her chest. Her hands were on my stomach as she still had our fingers laced together.

Maddie: "We need to talk, but I really don't wanna talk. Because I really-"

Billie: "We can make this quick and simple, what do you wanna do about us and what do you wanna do with me?"

Maddie: "I miss you like crazy, and I miss what we had-"

Billie: "Then let's fix this and go back to what we had because I have never ever had anything like this."

Maddie: "I'm hesitant."

Billie: "I know you are, I know how you work. I know that I can reassure every second of every day and I still know that you'll think I'm going to hurt you, but that's the last thing that I wanna do."

Maddie: "Man you really do know how I work. Okay how about this, tonight we go back to what we were. Like tonight we'll cuddle or whatever." I cringed at the mushy stuff "But like we'll figure this out later."

Billie: "How about this?"

I was confused on what she was talking about, then here comes Dani and the twins with a huge ass sign that says "Shorty, will you go to the celebrity ball with me?" I already knew what the celebrity ball was and Kenzie was talking about it earlier.

Maddie: "I'll go with you."

Billie smiled at me and kissed the top of head, and I smiled at the gesture.

Billie: "After the ball, you gotta tell me what you wanna do."

Maddie: "Okay."

Billie: "Normally, I'd play hide and seek with y'all but I had a full day of interviews."

Maddie: "I'm tired too."

Dani: "I don't care what we do, as long as y'all are good. That's all that matters to me."

I smiled at her, she walked over to the couch and got on her phone. Eli and Isaac followed her, Billie and I walked up to the guest room. She got in the bed first and she opened her arms, I got on top of her to where I was straddling her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she was scratching my back under my hoodie neither of us were talking, both of us could agree that it's just nice to be back in each others touch.

I know what I wanna do, I wanna be back together with Billie like nothing happened. But I just need to make sure that she get's the point. I'm pretty sure she does but like I doubt everything so I don't know.

I lifted my head up off her shoulder, and I looked into her eyes. All I see was pure happiness. I wonder what mine look like, like I'm happy but I'm so confused. I don't know why I doubt her, all she did was lie. I bet she would've told me if I gave her a chance.

Billie: "What are you thinking?"


thanks ily

words: 1194.

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