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Maddie's POV: 3:47PM

I was driving back from Target, and my phone rang.

Maggie: "You're gonna hate me."

Maddie: "I could never, why what's up?"

Maggie: "Okay so Billie told me that she knew that you're going on tour with her, so I said that you tried but it won't work."

Maddie: "No that's perfect, she won't be on to me anymore. Thank you."

Maggie: "She's like real sad now."

Maddie: "Okay I'll FaceTime her when I get home."

Maggie: "Okay thank you."

Maddie: "No problem."

Maggie: "Bye."

Maddie: "Bye."

I knew Billie was on to me, Maggie saved me. But now Billie's sad. But like so am I, so this works. My phone rang again.

Kenzie: "Hey how far are you from downtown LA?"

Maddie: "Twenty, thirty minutes why?"

Kenzie: "YouTube wants to meet with you, you can go now. Or at five."

Maddie: "I have to head home now, I have food with me that I have to put away. I guess I'll do five."

Kenzie: "Okay, your Clavin Klein meeting is on Friday now."

Maddie: "Okay."

Kenzie: "Bye bitch."

Maddie: "Bye ho."

I don't know what YouTube wants to meet with me about, I have like 3 million subscribers and I kinda ghosted them for the last eight months. After everything happened, I just shut down.


hey are you free?

I'll be free at like 7, is everything good with you?

yea nothing you need to worry about, I love you wyd?

I love you too, im on the way back to my house to put this shit away and then I have a meeting with YouTube.

Ouh fun, but why?

no clue, I haven't even looked at my channel in months.

Okay well i'mma let you go to ur meeting, love you.

I'll FaceTime you later, love you too.

Okay bet shorty.

Read at 3:54PM

I got back to my house and I checked my Email, I had an email from Fashion Nova.

Hello Madison,

We are contacting you to basically ask you if you want to be sponsored by us, we'll send you a series of pieces that you choose. We'll send them to you within 8-10 business days, then we wanna meet with you in person at our LA area on July 14th. I understand if that date doesn't work with you, we could easily change the date.


Bitch are you kidding me? I'm so fucking happy dude theres no way. I called Kenzie.

Kenzie: "Yo."

Maddie: "Fashion Nova emailed me."

Kenzie: "Yeah I told them to."

Maddie: "I fucking love you, thank you Kenzie."

Kenzie: "Are you able to meet with them on the 14th?"

Maddie: "Yeah, this is great."

Kenzie: "Send me the pieces you want, and then I'll email them back."

Maddie: "You're the best byeee."

Kenzie: "Byeee." 

I went to snapchat and I took blurry picture of me, that's how I take all my non professional pictures. I captioned it. "There is no way that this is happening, wasn't expecting on crying today😭" then in the corner it said "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you guys. I love you."

I meant that, but it was also so Billie didn't worry. But I had to go to my meeting, I grabbed my bag and I left. 

At the meeting.

I walked in not knowing what to expect, I had no clue why they wanted to meet with me. I saw Kenzie sitting in one of the spiny chairs.

Kenzie: "Hey Maddie." She got up and hugged me, I hugged her back.

Maddie: "If you don't mind me asking, why am I here?"

YouTube: "We just wanted to talk about your channel and your plan with it."

Maddie: "Okay."

YouTube: "Why did you leave?"

Maddie: "Um, some personal stuff happened and I didn't want to show the Internet how I was."

YouTube: "Okay, what's your plan with your channel?"

Maddie: "Okay I'mma be honest here, so I love my channel. It might not look like that, but that channel is the reason that I got discovered and I never intended for that for that to happen. But after I recovered from the personal stuff, I was still on YouTube just not the right way. I saw all these YouTubers, not to be that bitch or anything. But they're all the same, they all do the same thing, they all live in the same area, shop at the same stores, listen to the same music, fuck they even get their nails done at the same place. Now I'm not trying to eat my own ass here, but I feel they're all... generic, and I feel like I'm not. Not that I'm better than them because I'm not, most definitely not. But I feel like if I'm not that generic trendy person, everyones gonna be like "oh she's trying to be different." Which that could mean different things in everyones eyes, like someone could think that and they could be like "oh she's trying to be different for views but really she's the same as everyone else." The other person could be like "she's different, she has her own style, her own, music taste, her own voice almost."

YouTube: "That was the best thing that I have ever heard, I see exactly where you're coming from. There will be that one person that'll be like oh she's doing this for views or for money, but I really think you could do something here with your own voice. I think you should come back with a simple video, like a Q and A. And answer peoples questions, then you can say what you just said. We're not telling you that you have to do that, we want you in this industry because we feel like that you could really do something here. Like you're blowing up right now. We understand if you don't want this to your main focus, thats not what we want. We want you to be that face of YouTube who has her own voice. Do you understand?"

Maddie: "Defiantly, I'm down to come back. But I'mma tell you something now you don't find out later."

YouTube: "Okay."

Maddie: "So I date Billie Eilish, that's weird just to like say it outta nowhere. And I'm going on tour with her for nineteen days. I leave September ninth, and I get back like the twenty-eighth. So in September I might not be as active, so I'm just warning you guys now. Our relationship is private too."

YouTube: "You date Billie?"

Maddie: "Yeah, I do." I smiled. "So I'mma go home, and film that video. I'll post it like Monday, then I'll get a schedule from there."

YouTube: "That is beyond perfect, glad to see you back on the platform."

Maddie: "Glad to be back." 


this chapter came out of my ass.

the shit that i have coming for this book... y'all arent ready. 

thanks ily

words: 1161

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