- F o r t y t w o -

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I got up off of her and I grabbed my laptop, and my AirPods. I laid my head in Billie's lap, my laptop was rested on my stomach and was held up by my legs. Billie was massaging my scalp, while I edited the video I filmed yesterday.

Billie was on her phone, and I had both my AirPods in. The part of the video I was at was the part about Billie and our ship name or whatever, I laughed and then I smiled at what I said about her.

Billie: "What?"

I handed her an AirPod and I rewinded.

"Next, You and Billie, by the way your guys ship name would be baddie."

"Omg I hate that, Billie bro." I exhaled. "Billie is something else, like I've never met someone like her. She is so career driven but she makes sure that everyone else is happy, she's so funny. Her personality is contagious, like you can be so mad or sad, or like overall just not feeling it. Then if you're around her when you feel this way, you'll almost like vibe off of her. Like you'll catch the energy that she has almost. It's so crazy. But to answer your question, we're really good friends, we're best friends."

Billie: "Awwww thank you shorty, that means a lot." 

 Maddie: "No problem."

She didn't me my AirPod back.

The video didn't need much editing, it went pretty smoothly. Like I knew what I was doing, and I knew what I wanted to say. I closed my lap top and I put my AirPod in the case, and I sat up and stretched. I held my hand out and Billie gave me the AirPod back, I closed the case. 

Billie: "What do you wanna do?"

Maddie: "I'm hungry."

Billie: "We could go get food."

Maddie: "Ouh fun I'm driving."

Billie: "No no no no."

Maddie: "Yes yes yes yes."

I rushed to my car, and Billie followed. She got in the passenger seat, she put her hand on my thigh and I backed out of my driveway. I had no clue where I was going.

Maddie: "What do you want to eat?"

Billie: "I don't care."

Maddie: "Okay we're going to Subway."

Billie: "I haven't had Subway in so long."

Maddie: "The only reason I wanted to drive is so can I pay bitch."

Billie: "Man you played me."

Maddie: "I love you."

Billie: "I love you too."

I pulled up to Subway after about like 10 minutes of driving, we walked in. She held the door for me.

Maddie: "Tanks you's." I said in a baby voice.

Billie: "You are welcome." She said in the same baby voice.

We stood in line and we ordered.

Cashier: "That'll be $11.94"

I handed him my card.

Cashier: "You're intriguing, we should hang out sometime."

My mouth dropped.

I was in disbelief.

Maddie: "I'm flattered, but um. I have a girlfriend."

He handed me the bag and Billie interlocked our hands, it was low-key hot when she got protective. Once we got out of the building she let go of my hand and we walked to the car. She had the bag on her lap and she had her hand on my thigh like always.

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