- T w e n t y t h r e e -

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I didn't know I was crying until the tear drop landed on my hand.

Billie: "You're not good." She wiped my eyes.

Maddie: "You're right."

Billie: "I know you're not ready to talk about it, I know you're not ready to open up. Which I really understand, but this is really affecting you."

Maddie: "You're right, it really is affecting me."

Billie just looked at me, she pulled me up so I was sitting. She pulled me to where I was on her lap, she pulled me into a hug and it broke me into a billion pieces. I cried and cried, I hugged Billie so tight. She hugged me back tighter, she rubbed my back up and down in a comforting way. She didn't make me talk, she just sat there and she let me know that she was there for me.

After I wanted to be done crying, I wanna tell Billie everything. I know that she's here for me now, not that I didn't know that before. But she didn't make me talk she sat there and understood that I didn't wanna talk and she just comforted me.

I don't know what I would say, I don't know how I would word it and I most definitely don't know how she'll react. But when I know how to say it and word it, then I'll do it.

My phone went off, of course it did. There was a text from my manager.


Calvin Klein. Meeting. Tomorrow. 2.


You're not okay what's up?

Read at 11:47PM

Billie: "What's up?"

Maddie: "Calvin Klein tomorrow 2."

Billie: "Do you shoot tomorrow?"

Maddie: "Nope, we pick fabric colors."

Billie: "That should be fun, and it'll take your mind off of this."

Maddie: "Hopefully, thank you."

Billie: "Why are you thanking me?"

Maddie: "For letting me cry on your shoulder and you're the first person that didn't make me talk about why I was sad, you just sat there and comforted me. Thank you Billie."

Billie: "I don't what you're going through, I don't even know the half of it. But I do know what it's like to be sad, and when I was sad I didn't want to talk about. I don't understand how people talk about why they're sad when they're sad, I wouldn't be able to form words or let alone a sentence. So I didn't want you to try to form a sentence because I know what it's like and people have done the same thing to me and I wouldn't talk. But I guess you're welcome shorty, I'd do it any day."

I smiled at her.

The Next Day: Wednesday, July 3rd at 1:16PM

Maddie's POV:

I woke up at 1:16, I had literally two seconds to get ready. I put on the first thing I saw and I wrote Billie a note.

I had to leave for my meeting, thank you still.

I love you, Maddie <3

I erased that.

Maddie <3

I walked out of my house quietly not wanting to wake Billie, I didn't want to go to this meeting. I really wasn't fucking feeling it, I didn't wanna drive either but look where we are.

I pulled out my phone and I took a snap.

" I don't wanna go to this meeting, I'm tired as hell. Crying session last night was fun. Thank you."

I drove to the meeting in complete silence and I pulled up in front of the building and I laid my head on the steering wheel. The last thing I remember was someone calling me.

Maddie: "Hello."

Manager: "Are you coming to this meeting?"

Maddie: "Yeah I've been outside for" I looked at my car clock. "Oh for like twenty minutes I fell asleep."

Manager: "Maddie, this isn't like you what's up?"

Maddie: "I don't wanna talk about it, I'll be okay."

Manager: "Billie?"

I laughed.

Maddie: "No me and Billie are thriving.

Manager: "Okay good, come in here. We'll take it easy on you today."

Maddie: "Thank you."

I walked into the meeting even more tired than before.

Manager: "Hey, do you want cotton or-"

I yawned and nodded my head.

Manager: "What colors do you want?"

Maddie: "Like a pale yellow and an off white. Can you guys just mail me samples and then we can redo this meeting at like the end of the month?"

Meeting people: "Of course!"

Maddie: "Thank you."

I almost physically ran out of the meeting and went to my car, I have never driven home faster. Billies car was still in my driveway, I unlocked the door and I walked upstairs and I got into the bed.

Billie: "Shorty what are you doing back?"

Maddie: "I- I resch- rescheduled the meeting for after I get back from San Diego. They're gonna send me samples and then I'm really about to just choose one of the samples, I really wanna be done with this."

Billie: "Just get some sleep shorty and we'll do something later? Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

I shook my head.

Billie: "Okay bet."

I moved closer to her to where I was on her shoulder and her arm was around me, I fell asleep the second we both got comfortable.


Billie's POV:

Maddie was still slumped, she was so tired and she had a rough night and she just wanted to chill. She didn't wanna do anything besides sleep and take it easy, I understand that she's hurting. This is an awful time for her to be hurting, this is the busiest month she's had in awhile, wait why is this month all of a sudden? Anyways, Maddie's phone started ringing, I got it out of under her and I looked at it. It was Tana, I don't hate Tana, we're cool I invited her to my show. But I don't know I just think it's a little shady, I silenced her phone and watched it ring out.

                        Tana M.

Hey Maddie, I'm at the twins you wanna come over?

I read it on her lock screen and then I turned it off, I really don't think that Maddie and Tana should jump back into the friendship they once had. Because I know that really fucked Maddie up, Tana's the reason Maddie fears I'm gonna be sorry for her.

Her phone dinged.


Tana asked me to text you see if you wanted to hang out, I already know the answer.

                                                she's asleep.

Aw shit, okay I see you Billie.


                                 Read at 4:21PM


next chapter y'all look out, i'm currently crying writing it.

thanks ily

words: 1105

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