Park Bogum (9)

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Taehyung POV

It was now Monday again. I was happy to see Kook again. I haven't seen him since Saturday but it feels like years.

Once I got to school with Jimin, aka late, I went straight to my class. I sat with bambam. The teacher wasn't there so me and bambam were just making jokes the whole time. Before I knew it, it was time for music class.

"Okay class. It's almost the school assembly and I need to put you in teams so you have to come up with a song and perform it." She said. "The first team will be Park bogum and Kim Taehyung." She said.


Kook and Jimin have warned me about Bogum. I didn't want to deal with him for a whole class period. Ugh!!! I don't want to do this anymore. I broke out of my thoughts when I see bogum walking to me. Damn he is hot but I can't be fooled. He only wants to get into my pants and then throw me on the side of the road.

"Hey! Nice to talk to you again Taehyung." He said. I faked a smile and answered "Nice to talk to you too!" I said. We started working on the song.

We had to figure out what theme we would go for. "How about....... a love song?" He said. "Ugh! I don't like love songs though!" I said. He was flirting with me so much during this whole class and I was sick of it. He kept putting his hands on my knees and he kept whispering in my ear.

"Ding. Ding! DING!" The bell went and it was time for my last class of the day. Once I walked in Kook could tell I was annoyed. "Hey, what's wrong." He said in a worried tone. "I'll tell you after school." I said and went to my seat.

Once school had finished I went to kooks car. Once we got in Kook spoke. "So what's wrong?" He said. "I got paired up with bogum to write a song a perform it together." I said. "What?!" He said. "I swear he better not be flirting with you or making a move on you." He said again. "Well there's not anything you can do about it. I just push him away but he won't stop. I won't let him get anywhere near my 'special place'." I said. "Good because he doesn't deserve you." Kook said.

— Friday —

Bogum didn't come for the rest of the week of school. But he came today. Once he came into class he said, "Hey, Taehyung are you coming to my party tonight?" He said. "I didn't know there was a party." I said. Half paying attention because I was trying to get work done. "Well you should come. I would love it if you came plus the whole school is coming so you wouldn't want to be the odd one out right?" He said. I just stayed quiet. He kept bugging me but he eventually left and went to go make out with some girl.

After school I asked Jimin if he was going to the party. Kook had to go home to his brother to help him with something so I was with Jimin. "Yeah I'm going to the party!" Jimin said. "Everyone does so I will definitely go." He said again. "Oh, can I go too?" I asked. "Sure but you better stay out of trouble." He said. We just laughed it off but we had no idea what kind of night was ahead of us.

— 💜 —

Writing this at 2 am because I can't sleep. Next chapter might be a bit late because I've been procrastinating writing it but I'll try to finish it today. Don't forget to read my other story "I like you me brother more than you"

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