Rosé (11)

524 17 4

Third person POV

The next morning, Taehyung wakes up in kooks arms. "Good morning, Tae." Kook said smiling at Taehyung. "Good morning, Kook." Taehyung said smiling back. They laid in bed talking about random thing's before they heard racket from downstairs.

"Kookie, who is that?" Tae said. "I don't know, let's go look." Kook said. They got on some clothes before going down stairs. They look towards the dining table and there's kooks brother happily eating eggs and drinking coffee.

"Junghyun, what are you doing here so early?" Kook asked him. "One, it's 2 pm. Two, this is my house too. Three, I woke up late because I couldn't fall asleep with all the noise you guys were making last night." Junghyun said. "You said you were gonna stay at a friends house last night." Kook said. "I was gonna but I was to tired so I just stayed here." Junghyun said.

"And by the way, Tae, I never would have thought that my little brother was that good. Congratulations." Junghyun said again in a teasing tone. Taehyung just blushed. "Tae and I are gonna go to the mall for a bit. Bye." Kook said before dragging Tae towards the door. "Ooooooo kinky!" Junghyun yelled as Kook and Tae left the house. Kook and Tae just laughed it off before getting into kooks car and driving to the mall.

At the mall, Kook and Tae were just walking around. They stopped at a boba tea shop to get something to drink. When they went up to the counter and order, Tae noticed that the girl looked familiar. She didn't have a name tag on but he knew her somehow.

"Rosé?!" Tae said, finally remembering who she is. She looked up and widened her eyes saying "Taehyung?!" They both smiled. "Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in forever!" Rosé said. "Me too! How have you been?" Tae asked. "Ummmm." Rosé paused. "Let's talk. I'll get off on my lunch break now." She said.

(How Rosé looks for now just not the outfit)

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(How Rosé looks for now just not the outfit)

Once Rosé took their order she called the other cashier to come to the counter before she went on her lunch break. Rosé, Tae and Kook all sat down at a table.

"Since when have you had a job?" Tae asked. "About a week after you left, I didn't want to be in that house anymore so I applied at a job here and I got it." She said.

"How's things going at the house?" Tae asked in a quieter voice. "To be honest, not very good. Since you left they have been a bit harder on the teens. The kids get yelled at more often. But that's probably because the witch lost her job." Rosé said.

There was a small moment of silence before Kook asked "Wait, so you are from the foster home Kook was in?" She looked at Kook then nodded her head. "Tae probably hasn't told you much about what happened in that house but just know, it isn't good things." Rosé said.

"By the way, and don't take this rudely but who are you?" Rosé asked. "This is Jungkook, he's my boyfriend." Tae said with a smile on his face. Rosé got a little grin on her face as well. "Awwww really? That's so cute." She said. "You seem like a genuinely nice and caring guy so I don't think you would ever hurt Tae. Just know that me and him are very close. Like real siblings almost." She said and laughed.

She looked at Tae and asked "Do you like the people who adopted you? They seemed really nice, caring and rich." She said the last part jokingly. Tae laughed a bit. "Yeah they are. It's nice to live with them. It's just weird adjusting to their lifestyle." He said. "I bet. Growing up with barley anything and then suddenly having a lot seems overwhelming." She said. "Yeah it is." He said.

"Oh and from working at this job, I was able to save up enough money for a phone. I hide it from the witch and the devil but since I don't go on it at home then they don't really see it or seem to care. My lunch break is about to end so let's exchange numbers." Rosé said. "Okay." Tae said and they exchanged numbers before parting ways once again.

— 💜 —
Sorry for no chapter last week. I was busy and didn't have time to write one. Next weeks chapter will be a little bit of a back story of what Tae experienced in that foster home and how he even ended up in foster care. Follow me on instagram @/wdw_riverbabe to know when I upload a chapter or when I delay a chapter. I hope you guys are likening the story so far.

And don't forget to read my new story:
"I like your brother more than you"

I purple you all 💜

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