Child's Play - Chapter Two

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"I'm not going in there."

"Yes-the fuck-you are." Juni nodded his head, "I didn't just carry your damn bags for you to stand here and look stupid, go say hi to Blanca."

"Fuck Blanca and her hoe-ass daughter. I'm taking a walk."

"No you're not." He shook his head, "I'm done being nice to you, get your ass inside."

Fatima crossed her arms, "no."


She cursed, shoving him away when the lady pushed the screen door open.

"Hola!" Blanca gleamed clapping her hands together, "look at how big you've gotten!"

Fatima shoved pass her, "don't be fake, we don't like each other and that's fine."

"Fatima." Juni gritted his teeth. Blanca turned to him, so he smiled, chuckling softly. "I'm sorry, she's a handful." He gave her a one-armed hug and pecked her cheek, "how are you?"

Fatima looked around, drowning out the conversation her fake-ass brother was having with their dad's side-bitch.

There were only pictures of the three living in the house. Blanca, Luisa and Arnaldo. She grabbed a frame, studying the picture of a skinny girl in a bathing suit. She knew she was going to have problems with her, two daughters fighting for their father's attention. They were going to hate each other.

"I'll show you to your room mija." Blanca smiled softly, despite being brushed off hostilely a few minutes prior. "Follow me."

Fatima set the picture down, her eyes following Blanca before he feet did as well. She followed her to the end of the hall, where she opened a door and motioned inside. "Juni put your things in here, I'll let you get situated. If you need anything I'll be in the kitchen." She left without another word, shutting the door behind her.

Fatima quickly reached for her suit case, unzipping it to pull out her lap top. She clicked the power button, tapping her fingers against the device as she waited patiently for it to boot up. "Come on." As soon as her screen saver popped up she bit her lip, inhaling a deep breath through her nose. "Fuck." She mumbled, swallowing the tears.

She proceeded to click on the FaceTime app, it took her to her contacts. She stared at the screen, the curser floating over the contact name 'Matias' with a heart emoji. She clicked on it, and as soon as it connected she was crying.

"Baby." Matias sighed, "whats going on?"

"I hate it here." She sobbed, "my dad has a whole other family he was hiding from us for years." She wiped her eyes, "and Juni's just okay with the fact that he cheated on mom when we were in freaking diapers!"

"Baby, listen." She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt and he sat straight, propping his phone up on a blanket. "You're a strong girl baby, it'll only be three months."

"I can't do this Matias, I miss you."

He shut his eyes for a second, "I told you, I'd be on the first flight there."

"No." She shook her head, "don't waste your money."

"It's not wasting money." He shook his head, "you said you missed me and now you don't want me to go out there and see you?"

"This isn't a vacation." She stood, setting her laptop on the wooden dresser, "baby I feel like I'm suffocating and I just got here."

"Well," he muttered, "what if you find something to keep you busy? Maybe get a job or something."

She pulled her shirt over her head, kissing her teeth. "I don't know."

"Maybe it'll do you well to have a change of scenery babe." He shrugged a shoulder, flicking his braid out of his face. "I miss you."


"What are you doing in my room?" Fatima turned her head, her eyebrows pulled together, "are you making a porn?"

"Um, Matias, I'll call you back later okay?"

"Okay baby I lo–"

She shut her lap top, "ever heard of knocking?"

"It's my room." Luisa rolled her eyes, "can you get out? I'm having friends over."

"Um, this is my room?"

She squinted her eyes with a mock-full chuckle, "last I checked I live here, you don't. You're the daughter my dad didn't want."

"I—" She took in a deep breath, "I'll just be outside then."

"Bye." She waved, popping her gum as Fatima stepped out.

Juni smiled as she passed him through the hall, "did you get your–"

"Move." She shoved him, his back hit the wall. Then she opened the front door, storming out. "You better get your daughter in check Arnaldo." She began to pull her hair up, "or I'll do it for you."

"Give me a second." Arnaldo huffed, handing Spooky a pack of cigarettes as he stood off of the concrete step, "what's going on?"

"What's going on is I'm gonna beat your over-privileged, snotty, hoe-ass daughters ass if she don't get the fuck up out my room right now."

"Um.." Arnaldo thought, he turned to look at his homies for a second, thinking of what to say. "Have you met Cesar?"

"No." She shook her head, "I'm not talking about Cesar, I'm talking about the little bitch in my room." She turned to Cesar, "but it's very nice to meet you Cesar."

"Like wise." He pressed his lips together in a tight-lipped grin.

"Um.." Arnaldo scratched his neck as he thought, he rested his fingers tips on the tattoo on the side of his neck that read 'Fatima' in cursive letters. "I don't know what to tell you mija. Juni's a man, you can't share rooms with him."

"Then I'm going home and fuck your little 'I want my family back' break down. Next time you call crying I'm hanging up." She turned on her heel, but he stopped her.

"I think I may have a solution." She raised her eyebrow, waiting for him to speak again. "Spooky?" He turned around, motioning him over with his hand. "Can you come here please mijo?"

Oscar stood, dusting his khaki cargo shorts off as he did. "What's up?"

"You got an extra room don't you?"

"Yeah, it use to be mine but I took the master bedroom when.. you know." He side-glanced at Cesar, "why?"

"You think you could make some room for my baby girl?"

"Absolutely not!" Fatima shook her head, "I'm not living with a man named Spooky."

"My name is Oscar but," he shrugged, "okay."

"Not buts, no okays." Arnaldo stated, "would you rather sleep with your sister?"

"She's not my sister!" She groaned, "and hell no!"

Now Oscar and Arnaldo glanced at each other, then at Cesar who nodded his head. "I'll start cleaning it out." Oscar took a step backwards, "Cesar help Fatima get her things."

"Wait you're just gonna hand me over to these cholos?"

"They're my homies, plus I'm always over here and when I'm not I'm right next door." He set his hand on her shoulder, "mija, I just want to spend more time with you."

She scoffed, "so give me away to your cholo friends? Why can't you move Luisa?" Arnaldo stayed quiet, that caused Fatima to laugh. "Cause she's a hoe." She giggled, "that's mad funny!"

"Go get your things." He said, "now."

Child's Play | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now