Childs Play - Chapter Nine

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"I feel like I barely even see you anymore." Juni said, sighing when he realized Fatima wasn't paying him any attention.

She was staring at the floor, blowing gum bubbles. All she wanted was to get the 'family kick back' over with and huddle up into her room.

"You seem out of it." He snapped in her face, causing her to look up from the ground.


He sighed, "no mames."

At that moment, Oscar walked out, causing her to swallow dryly. He probably didn't even remember so what did she have to worry about?

But he did. He remembered all of it. He looked over, making the least amount of eye contact possible without being disrespectful. Then he began a conversation with Happy who was flipping burgers on the grill.

"Do you want a soda?" She sat up straight, turning to face Junior.

"No, I'm okay–"

She jumped onto her feet, beginning to walk away. "You look like you want a soda, I'ma go get you one."

She walked pass Oscar, the air brushing past his bare back gave him chills. It was awkward, to say the least. Neither of them knew why it happened, it was a 'in the moment' thing. At least that's what they thought.

"Who's the white boy?" Luisa crossed her legs, nodding over to the stranger that had walked into the party with a back pack on.

"What the hell is this fool doing here?" Junior stood from the plastic chair, walking up toward him. "Matias?"

He lifted his head, letting go of his back pack strap, a smile spreading on his face.

"I'd recognize that sparkly ass durag anywhere." Junior held his hand out, dapping him up as they laughed. "What are you doing in Cali?"

"Uh." Matias cleared his throat, looking around at all the cholos staring at him. "Your sister and I broke up."

Junior nodded, crossing his arms. "I heard."

"So I came to get my baby back. Your mom gave me the address."

"Damn." He said, "she's gonna freak the fuck–"


Everyone turned, now eyes on Fatima. Those eyes included Oscar, as he tried to put two and two together. When he finally did, recognizing his pale complexion and the heart emoji next to that weird ass name from the time he answered her phone, his lips agape. "Oh shit."

"Baby." Matías said, "I'm so sorry I–"

Fatima ran toward him, wrapping her arms around his body as she began to cry.

He held her tightly, repeating in her ear that he loved her more than anything and couldn't stand being apart from her.

"Um..." Happy walked up, confused. "Tima, you gonna introduce us?"

Fatima pulled apart, wiping her tears. "Oh, fuck, I'm sorry." She chuckled, "um, Arnaldo, this is Matias my boyfriend. Baby this is my dad."

"Boyfriend?" Oscar mumbled, watching the scene unfold before his eyes.

"Boyfriend." Arnaldo said, nodding. "Of course, heard a lot about you."

"Nice to meet you, sir." He shook his hand, looking back at Fatima. "You look beautiful."

Fatima blushed, but yet again her father interrupted. "Mijo, do you have anywhere to stay?"

Matias seethed, "I hadn't really planned that far."

"Well!" Happy exclaimed, waving Oscar over.

Oscar shook his head, forcing a smile as he walked over, "fuck me—what's up Happy?"

"Spooky, this is Fatima's boyfriend."

Oscar and Fatima glanced at each other, then at Matias. One of them was smiling, her cheeks rosy. The other had a credulous look on his face as he nodded. "Que honda, homie?"

"I'm sure Oscar wouldn't mind if you stayed with Fatima." Happy nudged, causing Oscar to raise his eyebrows.

A confused look came over Matias' face. "Stay.. with.. Fatima? What do you mean sir?"

"She's living with him for right now." They all looked at each other now, even Junior was biting his nails from a few feet away. "Just while we figure out the room situation in my house. You can stay with her until you get situated."

"How long are you staying?" Fatima gleamed.

"Um... I bought a one way ticket."

Oscar stepped away, clearing his throat. This was not happening.

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