Child's Play - Chapter Five

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Arnaldo stood, surprised to see Oscar and Fatima laughing and smiling as they carried a conversation.

"Hey!" Fatima gleamed, waving at all of the homies as well.

"Hey." Arnaldo raised his eyebrows, "what you got there?"

"A pig." She looked down at the stuffed animal, "I'm gonna go put it inside, I'll be out in a sec."

Arnaldo nodded and she walked away. Oscar walked in front of him, shrugging. "I did it."


"I don't know how long her good mood is gonna last so I would go talk to her." He advised.

Arnaldo complied, turning on his foot to walk inside. "Mija." He caught her in the kitchen where she was removing her sandals.

"Hey." She grinned softly, "whats up?"

"Just checking up on you." He shrugged, "you have a good time with Spooky?"

"Yeah." She nodded, unclasping her sandal. "He's a nice guy."

Arnaldo chuckled awkwardly, "he sure is." He cleared his throat, "listen, I wanted to ask you something."


He sighed, "I wanted to have you over for dinner, like as a family. But I understand if that makes you uncomfortable, it's completely your choice."

"Uh," she furrowed her eyebrows as if the answer was obvious, "sure."


"Yeah." She chuckled, grabbing her sandals as she stood, "but instead of dinner why don't we make it like a less intimate thing? So it's not awkward cause I don't know if I'm ready for all of that."

"Of course mija, whatever you want."

"Like a kick back type thing." She began to walk to the room she was staying in, dropping her sandals at the entry. Arnaldo followed, nodding as she spoke. "You can barbecue, like you use to."

"Would you like that?" His smile was genuine, he felt as if he was finally getting closer to his daughter, surpassing all of the walls she had built around her.

"I would." She nodded, "a lot."

"Then we'll do it this weekend." He said, "Saturday."

She agreed, "sure, but I have to find a day sometime this week to paint this room."

Arnaldo's name was called, he turned his head but continued to nod, "I'll take you to Home Depot tomorrow." He stepped back, "I'm gonna go see what's up outside, I'll see you in the morning okay?"

"Yeah." He walked out but she stopped him, "dad?" He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to speak, "goodnight."

"Night." He blew her a kiss before completely turning around and walking away.

Fatima shut the door, inhaling a deep breath as she fell back into the bed. Just thinking about the day she had with Oscar made her heart rate quicken, he treated her like she was special. He was different, she had been so use to the same thing, same person.

Matias was her first boyfriend, first love, her first everything. She had never experienced anything with anybody else.

That's when she remembered, "Matias!" She stood quickly, opening her laptop. "Please be awake." She clicked the power button, tapping her foot eagerly as it booted up. She clicked his name, causing the screen to show her reflection under his name.


"Hey." She disconnected the laptop from its charger, hopping onto the bed, "did I wake you?"

"Kinda." He mumbled, "but it's fine, what's up?"

"Just wanted to see you." She pouted, "I've been busy all day, but I miss you baby."

"Me too." He nodded, licking his plump lips. "I'm tryna go see you."

"No, Matias." Fatima shook her head, "it's a long flight, it isn't worth it."

"It isn't worth it?" He arched an eyebrow.

"I didn't mean it like that." She huffed, "it came out wrong."

"Baby I've saved up enough to go see you for a weekend. Just say the word and I'm on the first flight out of Waukegan."

"Matias." She shook her head again. "You're just gonna waste money that you work hard for. Just think, you have to pay rent, your car insurance. You have tickets you're trying to pay off and you have to feed your dog, feed yourself. It's just—bad timing."

"None of that matters."

"Yes it does!"

"Not if you're not with me, Fatima."

She sighed softly, "I am with you."

"No you're not, not like this." He shook his head, "I don't know if I can do this long distance thing."

"What?" Her eyes began to water, her good mood flying out of the window as her heart shattered.

"I know it's only for three months Fatima but I can't–"

She shut her laptop, setting it off to the side. "Damn." She exhaled, "he was really about to break up with me."

The Mac began to ring, indicating she was getting a call. She contemplated answering. If she didn't, she wouldn't get closure, if she did, she would most likely end up single. But she answered it anyway, propping it up on her legs.

"Why'd you hang up on me?"

"Finish your sentence." She bit her thumb nail as her stomach tied in knots, "please."

"I can't do it."

"Okay." She swallowed, "I–okay, that's fine." She began to softly nod.

"I'm sorry, Fatima. I really do love–"

"Take care of yourself Matias, okay?" She set her hand on the curser, scrolling toward the red button, "and give your mom my best." She hit the button, shutting the device again.

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