Child's Play - Chapter Three

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"Hey." Oscar knocked twice, causing Fatima's eyes to travel up to him. "Your dad wants to talk to you."

"Tell him to go fuck himself." She rolled over in the bed, swinging her feet in the air.

"What you got against your dad?" He stepped into the room, looking out of the door carefully before shutting it.

She sat up, tossing her phone to the end of the un-sheeted bed. "How long do you have?"

Oscar chuckled deeply, "I had problems with my pops too when he was around."

Fatima raised an eyebrow, "tambien se murió y nadie le dijo?"

"Oh you speak Spanish?" He pouted, intrigued.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She laughed, "my dad's Mexican as fuck."

"Never mind I guess." He sat on the bed, next to her phone. "You should paint." He pointed around the room, "when I was young I liked blue."

"You don't say." Her eyes scanned the deep blue walls. "I can't believe I'm here." She scoffed softly, "this shit sucks."

Oscar kissed his teeth, "it can't be that bad."

"Why are you in here?" She crossed her arms, "did my dad make you come in here and talk to me?"

"Uh.." he hesitated, chuckling softly. "Maybe." He dipped his head to the side, licking his bottom lip.

"Damn." She nodded, "thought you really cared for a second."

Her phone rang, she had an incoming FaceTime from Matias. Oscar looked down at it, grabbing the device. "Matias." He read, humming slighting afterwards. "With a heart too."

"Don't." She shook her head, "please don't."

His lips curved up in a cocky smirk as he clicked the green button. "What's up homie?"

"No!" Oscar turned his head abruptly at the panicked girl who jumped up from the bed, she covered her mouth. "I mean, thanks!" She snatched the phone, "for handing me the phone."

"Who was that?" Matias mumbled, biting into a hot pocket.

"My dad's friend." She shooed Oscar out, pushing him toward the door. "He was helping me choose a color for my room cause he's gonna paint it for me. Aren't you Spooky?"

"Hell nah." He muffled as she shut the door, "your dad is still out here."

Fatima sighed, swallowing as she shut her eyes for a quick second. "Man." She ran a hand through her hair, "I've been busy all day baby."

"I can call back later if you want."

"Is that okay? Cause my dad's looking for me."

"Yeah babe, I'll call you when I get out of work cool?"

She nodded, blowing him a kiss. "I love you."

"Love you."

The call disconnected and she groaned, tossing her phone onto the bed. Then she pulled the door open, stepping into the kitchen. She found Christian standing over the table with a tortilla in his hand. "Where'd the vato go?"

"Which one?" He asked with a mouthful of taco.

"This one." She raised her hand, motioning he was tall, "with the thing on his face." She placed her finger tip under her eye, furthering displaying what he looked like.

"Oh, Spooky." Christian chuckled, "outside."


He nodded, watching her walk outside. She had a whole lot of attitude and you could tell she was a real bitch just by the way she walked. Oscar liked those kind of girls and as his closest friend he knew he would end up getting involved in that situation.

"So." She stood in front of Oscar, "where is he?"

"Ah." He shrugged, "you just missed him, but he gave me a bill or two to take you shopping, or chop-eando as he called it."

"Shopping?" She scoffed, "with you?"

"Whats wrong with me?" He crossed his arms, leaning his head back against the wall.

She impassively gazed at him, setting her hand on her hip. "Can I drive?"

He barked a laugh, "don't get to acting a whole nut job fool." He shook his head, "just go get dressed."

"I can already tell you're gonna irritate me today."

"And you gon' like it too." He continued to laugh along with his homies as she turned and walked back into the house.

Oscar stood straight, stepping down the concrete steps toward the group of homies loitering his lawn. "I hope I don't have to father this lil girl." He pulled the cigarette from behind his ear, motioning his hands to ask silently for a lighter.

"Come on Oscar." Cesar pursed his lips, "she has daddy issues, you gotta be more patient."

He snickered softly, taking the lighter from a homie who offered it to him, "I'll give her some daddy issues." He smirked, handing the lighter back to its owner.

Everybody laughed, except Cesar. "Dude she's Happy's daughter. Basically our sister."

"Nah." Oscar shook his head, looking at his little brother who sat on the grass. "The lil Luisa girl is 'like our sister' cause we watched her grow up." He inhaled, pulling the bud from his lips, "you still fucked her though right?"

Cesar kissed his teeth, bring his leg into his body as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"You gonna help me paint her room?"

He contorted his face into a confused face, "no?"

Oscar pulled his eyebrows together, "what you mean 'no'?" He mocked his voice, bopping his head from side to side to imitate Cesar's big head. "I'ma need all of you to help out cause we moving shit in and out." He spoke aloud to his homies, "y'all heard?" They all nodded, complying silently. "Cool."

Child's Play | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now