Childs Play - Chapter Eight

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Fatima stared at the wall.

It felt as if the music was drowning her, her head was throbbing. Not even the ibuprofen she had just downed could get rid of her headache. She stood off of the tile floor, taking a few steps toward the window. She could see the party going on in the back yard, Oscar had tried to pry her out of her hibernation many times but she didn't have the energy to put on a mask for everyone. She was depressed. She missed Matias.

"Last time." She heard from the door way. She spun, her lips parting slightly when she noticed Oscar was standing there, his arms folded over his chest. His eyes were shiny, and he stumbled as he held onto the door frame with one hand and clutched a beer can in the other. "Ya no te voy a rogar." She blinked at him, pouting softly. He stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. "You okay, mama? You've been off these past couple days."

She stood quiet, beginning to crave his warmth when he was only inches away. The want made her skin crawl, but the alcohol on his breath made her second guess herself.

"You know you can speak to me right?" He set his beer onto the night stand. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She shook her head, barely noticeable. "Cause I wouldn't want you to do anything stupid and have your dad blame..." he pressed his lips together, then nodded at her. "You want a beer?"

"Oscar, shut up. Please."

He took in his bottom lip, sucking softly as he nodded his head. "Okay."

Her fingers began to search for his hand, interlacing them. Oscar looked down, raising an eyebrow. He didn't say anything, he squeezed her hand, reassuring her that he was there for her.

"Your room turned out nice." He now looked around, obliviously drunk. "I like the little plants and the–"

She stepped onto the tip of her toes, pressing her lips gently onto his. He shut his eyes, his one sided conversation coming to a halt. The only noise heard in the quiet room was the sound of their lips separating as she landed back onto her heels.

They stared at each other for a little bit, until Oscar cupped her jaw, pressing his lips completely onto hers and pulled her in.

She felt the sadness leave her body, as she gave into the pleasure. She let him reach down and grabbed her ass as he guided them toward the bed, laying her back.

She held his face, making eye contact as he separated from her for a second. "I'm not sure how far you were trying to take this. I'll just—I'm drunk and I don't want you to think I'm–"

She pulled him down, wrapping her legs around him as he began to thrust, wanting more contact.

"Take your shorts off." She mumbled, beginning to pull her loose sleep shorts to one side.

"Fatima can we just like slow down, I'm—"

She groped him, causing an ungodfully sexy moan to escape his lips. Then she unbuttoned them, letting him do the rest.

She focused on his chain swinging in her face as he positioned himself. She began to feel uneasy, since Matias was the only man she had ever been with. But that was about to change.

She needed a new body to get over an old one.

Child's Play | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now