6 Months Later

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Six months passed. For Joyce and El the agonizing months  seemed like an eternity. Their transition to Fort Wayne, Indiana was difficult but far enough away from Hawkins that they were able to begin healing.

The six month anniversary of Hoppers death was just around the corner and still with heavy emotions floating around the new Byer home, Joyce knew it would be a tough day.

Joyce walks into El's room, to find her coloring.
Joyce: Hey.
El: Hi.
Joyce sits down on the edge of her bed, facing El as she continues to draw on her floor.
Joyce: Your school called again today. Told me that you left class. Look honey, I know this has been hard for you. It's been hard for me. But it's time that we start to move on. Because we know that's what Ho-
She begins to choke a little bit holds back her tears.
Joyce: Hop would want us to be happy and move on. This is what your dad would want.
El sits up and faces Joyce. Before she can speak she begins to cry. Joyce gets onto the floor and grasps El in her arms, stroking her hair.
Joyce: Shh shh honey. I know.
El continues to cry. After a moment she wipes her face and looks into Joyce's eyes.
El: I-I.. I miss him. I wish I could've done more to save him, she says beginning to cry again.
Joyce: No my love. There was nothing you could do. Look at me. He did what he did to protect us. To protect you. He loved you so much and I know that if he could be here, he would be.
El looks at Joyce once again. She's stopped crying but she looks nervous.
Joyce: What's wrong?
El: I need to tell you something..
Joyce: You can tell me anything, what is it?
El: I saw him

The End
Next Part soon 💓

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