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El unfolds Joyce's blindfold and sits down. Joyce just stairs at her in disbelief. Why would El tell her? Did she not trust her? She had been trying so hard to become a mother figure for El but this secret made her feel as if she wasn't.

El: Please don't be mad at me. As you know, I recently got my powers back, and with a little practice.. I was able to find him.

Joyce: How did you know to even look for him? We thought he was dead.

El: I could feel him. While I slept, while eating dinner, while at school. One day I decided that I wanted to see him. If he wasn't there, than I'd stop looking. That's when I saw him. Chained to the wall. Beaten by those monsters.

Joyce winces at the thought of Hopper being held captive and abused.

Joyce: You mean the Russians?

El: Yes.

Before Joyce can even comprehend what she has just seen. She feels her heart begin to race. Before she knew it, she was pacing the room, gasping for air. Before she can tell El to call 911, she blacks out on the floor.

3 hours later

Joyce regains conciseness and is quickly stricken with panic at her unfamiliar setting. She begins to scream, ripping the tubes and wires that were connected to her. All of a sudden a nurse runs in, pressing her weight against Joyce, to get her under control.

Nurse: Mrs Byers please, I need you to calm down. You hit your head pretty hard. Please just stay still.

Joyce before responding automatically has her mind on El.

Joyce: Where is El? Where is she?? WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?

Nurse: Mrs Byers, she is fine. She is the one that called 911. She has been here the entire time. She just stepped out about 20 minute ago. I can go find her.

As the nurse walks out, Will walks in.

Joyce: oh my god Will honey.

You can tell will had been crying. He walks over to his mom and wraps his arms around her.

Will: I was really scared mom

Joyce: I know you you were. I'm okay. See. I'm just fine baby. Honey where is El?

Wills face instantly goes white. He hates lying to his mother.

Joyce: Will honey what's wrong? Where is she?

Will: She told me about Hopper. That he's alive. She told me to tell you not to worry.

Joyce: worry about what? What has she done?

Will: She left

Joyce: what do you mean she left?

Will: She's heading to Hawkins.

Joyce sits up in a panicked rage. She has to get out of here.

Joyce: Why is she heading to Hawkins? With who? Will why wouldn't you tell me this?

Will begins to cry, you can tell he's scared for her

Will: She's heading to Hawkins alone. Shes going to open the portal. To find Hopper.

The end! Next part soon ❤️

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