Hoppers POV: Explosion

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WARNING: some inappropriate language (just one word) :)

Jim takes a look at the open portal and back at Joyce. The machines malfunction had caused the rays to trap him. He knew what he needed to do. He gave one last nod and smile to Joyce, signaling that it was okay for her to destroy the machine.

Joyce closes her eyes, unable to face Hopper.

As she closes her eyes, he turns towards the portal. With a deep breathe he takes one foot and places it on the edge of the portal, the other still on the platform. He takes one more look at Joyce, and forces his way through the gate.

The laser blasting through the machine, strikes hopper in the back of the leg as he's climbing through the gate. The pain is agonizing. He can feel it burning away at his clothing, rotting his flesh. But he kept pushing forward. With one last step he is able to drop to his knees, directly under the laser, and is able to move around it.

He uses all of his strength to stand up, ignoring the pain that his leg was in.

He begins to spin, looking around for any clue as to where he was in the upside down. Nothing seemed familiar. He could tell it was Indiana, but it was definitely not Hawkins.

It's dark. The sounds of growls echo in the distance. Hopper was no stranger to the upside down as he was aware of the horrors that awaited him. In the distance he sees a light. Coming from a home. With all of his might, he begins heading for the house. His leg oozing with blood each step he took further.

After what seems like miles, he ends of at this home. It was two stories. Blue and had a torn up front porch. Vines intertwined with the windows and the door was boarded up. With the screams of monsters in the distance he stumbles up the steps, searching for a way to enter the home. He begins to walk around the side of the house when he notices that a window is open. He manages to swing his bad leg in, and slide his body down.

The house was dark, very empty. There was a chair in the living room next to a rundown fireplace. He begins searching through cabinets of the neighboring kitchen, hoping to find something to help the pain, stop the bleeding. He finds a rag, and begins to wrap it around his leg.

His leg felt like a million needles were penetrating his skin. He lets out a yell.

Hopper: AHHHHH.. fuck, he murmured.

He was able to wrap the cloth around his leg and tie it off. But he knew that it wouldn't last long. If he didn't get help, if would get infected. But with it being dangerous outside, he knew that leaving this house wasn't an option, at least not yet. He makes his way to an empty bedroom where he lays on the ground. Swaddling himself to keep warm.

He listens to the howls of the upside down, fearful of what was to come.

He turns over to face the closet when he sees something hanging up. He gets up, stumbling his way to the closet.

He turns the shirt around. He strokes his fingers across the name tag.

"Jim Hopper" it read.

He knew exactly where he was. Joyce's new home. She had hung up his uniform in her closet.

But how was this possible he thought? Then he remembered that she had taken an extra shirt and must've been moving her stuff early.


sorry this doesn't really have dialogue! But I had the idea and couldn't pass it up! Let me know what you think as well as some theories if you'd like! I have some curveballs in the near future :) I hope you enjoy!!

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