Bus ride to Hawkins

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Eleven was nervous. She knew that going alone was wrong and she was fearful that Joyce would be upset with her. But she knew that she needed to do this for Joyce, for herself. Her dad was alive. Now it was a matter of finding him.

El had made her way downtown and hopped on a bus that was making its last round to Hawkins. She walked down the aisle of seats, her hand brushing against the back of each chair. Her eyes followed the stairs she received from those on the bus. She reaches the back of the bus and takes a seat next to an older woman.

Woman: Hello dear, riding alone?
El: Yes.
Woman: Oh dear, looking a bit young to be riding alone don't you think?
El: Nope. I'm not a kid anymore.
Woman: I can see that.. so are you visiting family?
El: Yes. My dad. I haven't seen him in a while.
Woman: Why is that? If you don't mind me asking.
El: He's in a bad bad place. With bad people.

The woman looks out the window, hiding her concerned look.

El whispers under her breathe

El: Nosy mouth breather.

El spends the next 6 hours on the local bus, pretending to care what the woman was saying. Although she typically didn't mind keeping a conversation with people, the closer she got to Hawkins, the more scared to she got. She knew what she was about to do was dangerous.

The older woman is quiet for a while and then turns back to El.

Woman: I never caught your name.
El: Jane.
Woman: Well that's a beautiful name, my name is Ruth.

El looks up at Ruth with a crooked smile.

Ruth: I couldn't help but think about what you said about your dad. That he's with bad people.. is he in jail?
El: You could say that.
Ruth: If you don't mind me asking.. what did he do?
El: He tried to protect me.

Ruth realizes that maybe she is prying and decides to stop asking questions. But her curiosities continue to spark.

Ruth: Who was your dad saving you from?
El: Bad men.
Ruth: You said that.. what are you going to do when you see these "bad men".

El looks up at her once more with a more serious look.

El: I am going to kill them.

Ruth looks astonished but before she can say anything else, Eleven gets up and walks off of the bus. It was the final call for Hawkins.

THE END of this chapter 🚲🌲❤️
I am SO sorry for it taking this long!!! I am working on the next chapter now. Sorry that this is so short! The next one will be worth it! Thanks for all of the support. :) glad you all love it! 

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