It all comes back to Hawkins

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Joyce was alert. She had not clue how long she had been in the hospital, but she did know, after the startling news from Will, that she needed to head back, to the one place she thought she had turned away from forever. Hawkins.

Joyce: Look honey, I am okay. I promise. I need to go back, to get El. That is the main focus right now. I know you're scared and that you're questioning many things, but I promise you, that we will figure it all out.

Will: But mom, you can't go alone. How do you know it is safe? I can come with you, Jonathan will be home to take care of everything, you could use my help, He said.

She stops packing her bag and looks up at Will. She sits on the end of her hospital bed and motions for him to come sit next to her.

Joyce: Look, I know that you have many questions, some of which I am unsure as to how to answer. I do know one thing, that I need to go find Eleven, and that I am perfectly capable of doing it myself. We have been through a lot. I know baby, but this is just something I have to do, okay? I promise you, that I will be back before you even notice that I left. Please stay back, help Jon with anything he may need, and promise me, that you won't mention it to anyone. I don't want to stir up any unnecessary drama.

Will: Okay.. just promise me you will be careful.

Joyce: Honey I will. Now, you better get going. Let Jonathan know that I am going out of town for a few days, and that he is in charge.

She kisses him on the forehead and shoos him out of the room. She watches as he walks down the hall of the hospital. As soon as he is out of sight, she grabs her bag and heads for the door, but is stopped by her doctor.

Doctor: Whoa whoa, Joyce. Where do you think you're going? We haven't cleared you. We would like to keep you overnight again for observation.

Joyce: You know Doc, I am actually feeling just fine! I have to get to my daughter but thank you for the care.

Doctor: You knowing you're going against medical advice correct? Meaning that if complications increase or arise, we are not legal-

Joyce: Legally responsible, I know. Now get out of the way, I NEED TO FIND MY DAUGHTER, she yells.

She brushes past him and begins to run. All of the adrenaline in her body is beginning to pump profusely. She makes her way out of the hospital, only to have realized she has a dilemma. How is is she going to get there? She doesn't have her car and has no money on her. She begins scanning the parking lot, when she notices a Doctor get out of his car. She makes her way over, fully aware of what she is about to do.

Joyce: Um hi.. hello. I am so sorry to bother you. I just couldn't help but notice you were a doctor.

Doctor: Uh yes I am. Do you need something? Are you injured?

Joyce: No its, just I lost my daughter. Cancer, stage 5. I am uhm going around thanking doctors for all of their hard work, even when it doesn't always work out.

She begins to forcefully cry, trying to make it as believable as possible. Before the doctor says anything further, she goes in for a hug. Squeezing him super tightly. In an instance she lets go and smiles at him.

Joyce: Actually doctor, she sniffles, I am feeling so much better. Thank you. Have a nice day.

She begins to walk away. He watches her for a second, confused, but then proceeds to walk into the hospital.

Joyce knew that what she had done was wrong. But she knew it was for a good cause. She smiles and looks down into her hands. She was holding this doctors car keys.

Now, she was headed to Hawkins.



Being back in Hawkins was difficult. More difficult than she could have imagined. She hadn't been back since Hopper had passed away, or so she thought. The bus had dropped her off right around the corner from Melvald's General Store, where Joyce used to work. She walks into the store, in need of some supplies. She scavenges around, not quite sure what to get. She knew that without her powers, she'd need something to protect herself with. She had no idea what she was possibly going to encounter, when opening the gate again, if that was even possible. She makes her way to a sporting aisle where she finds a baseball bat. She had the perfect idea.

She walks up to the cash register and lays her items onto the conveyer belt. A baseball bat. A pack of nails. Steel wire.

Cashier: Interesting pile of stuff I see. What do you need all of this stuff for anyways?

Eleven: School project, she says with a half smile.

The cashier, clearly uncomfortable, rings her up and sends her on her way. Eleven knew now where she needed to go. The place that haunts her every night when she closes her eyes. The place where she believed her father had died, for six agonizing months. Hawkins Lab.

The building was deserted, just as dark and eery as she remember. She placed her bag on the ground and began to assemble her weapon. Thanks to Steve Harrington, she knew exactly how to do that. Steve. She wondered how he was doing, she missed him a ton. She finished her weapon and made her way into the building. You'd think that they'd lock it up, make it difficult to get into. But she wasn't complaining. As she made her way in, she was flooded with memories. Bob being mauled by demodogs, her and Hop fighting off the demodogs while she did everything in her power to close the gate. Papa. Every horrible thing he had ever done to her. She opens her eyes. She realizes that she was on the ground and that she had been crying. She stood up, wiped her face and grabbed her bat. She needed to be strong. For Hopper. She made her way down to where the gate once was. Upon entering, there wasn't much. The room had a strong smell, that of something burnt, like ashes. The laser was still there, but in many pieces scattered across the room. This sight frightened her, she couldn't even imagine what Joyce and Hopper had been through. All she knew, is that she needed to save him.

She walked over to the wall where the gate once was. It was as if she could still hear it thumping, like a beating heart. She placed her hand on the wall and closed her eyes. She began to think about her life, what it had led to. She was filled with a range of emotions. Anger, sadness, relief. With her hand still on the wall, she began to feel a vibration on the wall. She was then swept by a sudden feeling, something she had never felt before. She began to cry, began to scream at the wall. She used all of her built up anger as a force. A force strong enough, that she was able to open the gate. She heard a rippling sound coming from the ceiling. She looks up and sees a crack, running down the wall, the sides of the wall separating and with that, she could see right into the upside down. A gust of cool air blasted her in the face. She took a deep breath, and as she was about to step in, she heard a creak behind her.

She swung around, her bat at hand. Ready to swing at whoever was there. It was Joyce.

Joyce: Did you really think I was going to let you do this alone? Let's bring home Hop.

The END! I hope you enjoyed! I AM SO sorry for the late chapter. It has been almost 7 months!!! I started college and have been so busy. I promise to update this regularly! I have some goo ideas in mind. Let me know if you enjoyed and tell me your theories! I would love to hear them. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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