Chapter Two

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Year: 2017

Peter was now 16 years old. He grew up with the Avengers, how cool is that?! Growing up with your idols, and calling them family.

After the events of Civil war, the team got disassembled. Peter was sad that Steve and some of the other Avengers weren't living with them anymore but he got used to it.

Now he lives with his parents (Tony and Pepper) and Rhodey.

After his mom, Pepper, found out that Tony dragged Peter to fight against Cap and his team, she freaked out, but Tony and Peter convinced her to let him be a superhero.

After a while his mom accepted that he was now a superhero, but she only let him help people in the neighbourhood, and Tony built him a better suit to help him save the people of New York.

Even though life at home was very good, school was worse.

Being a sophomore in high school sucks. Especially if you have enhanced senses, it could get overwhelming sometimes.

And not to mention bullies. Like being a high schooler wasn't enough pain.

Peter walked through the halls of MidTown Tech, his high school. Nobody acknowledged him, and he didn't have any friends except Ned and MJ.

Once he reached his first class, chemistry, he sat at the back of the classroom, so that the teacher couldn't see what he was doing.

He opened the drawer and mixed up all the necessary elements to make his web fluid.

He figured out the formula on his own about a year ago.

Once he got the webs he quickly closed the drawer before anyone could see him.

He glanced at the clock.

Thirty minutes until the end of the first period.

The bell rang and Peter picked up his stuff quickly, walking over to his locker to get the books for his next class. He met his friends there.

"What's up, man!" Ned greeted him and they did their secret handshake.

"What's up, MJ." Peter said, waving to the girl.

She waved back at him, not looking up from her book.

"Dude, I have a new Lego Star wars set. Do want to come over to build it tonight?" Ned asked, holding up a Darth Vader minifigure.

"That's sick, dude! And, of course, you could come today to my house if you want." Peter responded.


"If you want you can come, too, MJ."

"No, thanks. I'm a bit busy today. Maybe another time." She said, looking up from the book she was reading.

The rest of the school day was normal.
But once the bell rang, signalling the end of the day, Peter picked up his books and walked out of the school quickly.

He walked down the streets until he found a good alley way, where nobody could see him.

He took off his t-shirt and pants and pulled out his Spider-Man suit.

He put the suit on and clicked the little spider and the suit tightened to the right size for Peter's body.

He jumped up and swang from building to building, helping some people in the neighbourhood.

Once the sun was down, he sat down on a building and enjoyed the view, when he suddenly saw some thieves trying to steal from a bank.

He swang over there and stood in the bank, still unnoticed by the criminals.

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