| Moon | two

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"22. Madeline." The Chief Superior says my friend's name in a pleasant voice, one meant to soothe the nervousness of the coming occupation and partner assignments. Madeline stands up from her spot two seats away and goes to the Chief Superior, giving a slight bow as instructed in our preparations.

The Chief Superior smiles and glances to the far end of the ceremonial room, where all the males sit opposite to us. "You have been partnered with Matthew. Matthew, please come to the center stage." She says for the 22nd time today. A boy with bright blue eyes and messy black hair stands up from his seat, walking over to where his partner to be stands, waiting.

"Do you accept Madeline as your partner?"

The boy nods. "Yes, Ma'am."

She turns towards Madeline, who already has a huge grin on her face. "Madeline, do you accept Matthew as your partner?" She smiles gently to my over eager friend.

"Yes." Her voice comes out as a squeak, but there's no missing the sincerity in her voice.

The Chief Superior nods. "Very well. I hope that your partnership will be long and happy."

The two mutter their thank yous but I know better than to clap. Their passage isn't over just yet. "Permission to receive assignment, Chief Superior?" Matthew speaks up.

"Permission granted." She looks up at the camera in front of her, one that records what is going on for our families to see later on in the day. But for right now, this is a private ceremony, for only the ones of age. The Chief Superior picks up a stack of papers from in front of her. "Madeline, you have been assigned Instructor of sun tens. Congratulations." She holds out the paper to Madeline before Madeline takes it and thanks her. Then she turns to Matthew. "Matthew, you have been assigned moon caretaker. Congratulations." Matthew repeats the same as Madeline before taking her hand and walking off the stage to where already partnered people sit.

The Chief Superior then does the same to number 23 and 24. This is it. I say to myself. The last few moments of being alone, without a partner. "25. Maisy." She says, looking expectantly at me. I suck in a breath, plastering a fake smile on my face to make it seem like I want this. I try to steady the bad nerves inside of me. If I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone and bear moons with them, I'm hoping to at least get someone who will love my moons. "You have not been partnered."

I close my eyes and open them again. Then again. Blink. Blink. Blink. What? I don't say anything, not knowing what to do. Our instructors didn't tell us what to do if this happened. Barely audible gasps spread around the room like a wildfire.

"You may be wondering, what code did you break to make you not receive a partner? Well, the answer is simple. Your specific group does not have an equal amount of male to female, a small error made before you were born. Although we did not want to be unfair, there was no other way and we simply had to pick the most disobedient one, which is you, Maisy. We are aware that you have been taking some hours to go 'explore'? As you call it?" I nod, not wanting to say anything. Although this was what I had wanted, I didn't imagine I would get humiliated in front of all my group mates. I breathe unsteadily, in and out.

"You have been assigned as an honorary moonmother." Hushed voices carry over in the dimly lit room.

I give a curt nod as I'm supposed to, but not without taking my eyes off of the Chief Superior. I feel embarrassed, humiliated, defeated. But there's no escape. No choice. "Thank you, Chief Superior." I mutter.

She smiles-not a soft one, but one that's rather closer to a smirk, like this humiliating me is somehow fun for her. I think she enjoys it. All eyes are on me as I take my seat again. There are a few people after me, but nobody really seems that interested anymore. It's not often that there's an unequal amount of people for both genders. I try not to focus on the constant glance in my direction, but it's so hard to, with so many asking in their head, "Why? Why her?"

When we are finally done, I clench my envelope in my hands, eager to get out of the place. I almost get to my transport with nobody bothering me, but I feel a tap on my shoulder just as I unlock the door. I turn around slowly, trying to be polite. "Madeline." I give a curt nod to her and her new partner. "Matthew."

Madeline takes my hands in hers. "It's okay Maisy. We still love you."

I mentally scoff. Love? That's not what they feel. They only care for me, just as my mother, father, and brothers feel about everyone else. But I force the thought away anyways and give them a tight smile. "Oh don't worry about me I didn't really want to have a partner anyways." I laugh lightly to add on to my sort of lie.

Madeline creases her brows, shocked. Matthew puts his hands on her small shoulders. "Are you sure you'll be alright?" She looks genuinely concerned about me, which is no surprise. Madeline is a gentle girl, one who could break if you went too far. I suppose that's why they chose someone strong, but gentle for her. Or at least that's what I heard. Matthew is perfect for Madeline. The Superiors don't just put random people together.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I tell her.
She hesitates for a moment before slowly nodding. "Alright. Well you have a good day then."

"Thanks. You too." I watch as she and her partner head to their transports, having not gotten their combined transport yet. I shake my head slightly before getting into my own transport, ready to disappoint my parents with the recording of my Passage.


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