| Moon | seven

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"Rise and shine, Maisy-Daisy! It's test running time!"

I turn over to the other side, not wanting to get up from the comfortable sheets.

A person nudges me, urging me to get up. "Come on! We've got a lot of time on our hands, girl!"

This time, I recognize the voice. I jump up. "Megan?" I look up at the person, no, creature... who is most definitely not Megan.

"Rise and shine, Maisy darling." The creature says in Megan's sing song voice, before I disappear into a dark void.




"Maisy, wake up." I'm shaken gently by whoever- or whatever is trying to wake me up.
Go away, monster, go away. I plead in my thoughts.

"Maisy." I shoot upright on my bed, touching my forehead. I'm... sweating?

I glance around the room, ready to attack the monster if it's come for me again. "Go away."

Interestingly enough, Mav comes through my vision, though I can barely make him out between my unshed tears. "Mav?" My voice is shakey.

Mav's figure comes up to me and I immediately feel myself getting enveloped in a hug. I collapse. "H-he was t-trying to get me." I whimper, crying into his shirt.

He rubs circles on my back in comfort. "Shh. It's alright Maisy. I'm here. It's okay. They aren't coming for you."

I don't respond.

I just cry.

When did I become so weak?


I must've fallen asleep after what had happened last night, but I don't remember. I open up my eyes, adjusting to the harsh bright light streaming from the window. I try to get up slowly, but there's something on me, no,  someone. I know it isn't Mason, because he has his own little separate room that connects to mine. I look down on my lap. I can't see the person's face, but the white streak in their hair is hard to miss amongst the more prominent black hairs. I smile softly, but then I begin to think, why is he here? Obviously, he wouldn't do this on purpose. He must've fallen asleep while trying to take care of my last night.

If I had the chance to get a partner, I would've wanted someone like Mav. Caring, thoughtful... Boom!  Suddenly the door for Mason's room swings open. Mason steps out, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. "I'm hungry!"

I shake my head in amusement. "When are you not? Go call one of the caretakers, just go out that door and then you can find the desk where a person sits, okay?" He nods before heading out the door. I look back down at Mav. He looks so peaceful, and I'm scared that I'll wake him. So I attempt to peel him off of me, which isn't really the easiest thing to do, considering, one of his arms is wrapped around me. That's probably the hardest part, so I start on that first. I take his hand in mine, ignoring the blush that creeps onto my cheeks. I've never held hands with a boy before, especially a sleeping one.

I manage to pry his arm off from around me, making it easier for me to sit up. But when I do, I accidentally slap Mav with my braid that I had done last night. It immediately wakes him up. I cringe as I hear him stir. I was hoping that he wasn't a light sleeper, but I guess he is. "W-wha?"

"Oops. Morning." I chuckle nervously.

He lifts his head off of my lap, blinking. "How did I-" He casts a glance in my direction. "Maisy?"

I smile awkwardly. "Hi. I think you fell asleep on me last night."

"Oh no." I can see him visibly tense up. "I'm so sorry Maisy. I should go. I'll be back to uh, run some tests later. See ya." He scratches the back of his head, embarrassed.

I nod, not wanting to make him even more embarrassed. "Yeah. Of course. See you."
He gets up from the bed, straightening his clothes. He gives me a little wave before going out the door. As soon as the door opens, Mason comes in as well, holding a tray.

He narrows his eyes at Mav's retreating figure and closes the door with his elbow. "Why was weird guy in here?"

I shrug. "He was helping me. What have you got there?" I gesture to the tray he's holding, changing the subject.

He gives me a goofy smile. "It's food! I brought you your favorite!" I smile as he climbs up on the bed, showing me the tray full of things he knows are my favorite.

"Thanks so much, Mason." I ruffle his hair.

He swats my hand away. "I'll pray."


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