| Moon | six

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"And so then this guy with weird hair comes and knocks on the door, and then Mateo is crawling all over the place, and mom's so slow that Mateo almost reaches the door before she does but then mom picks him up and then I run down the stairs to see who it is and then mom fixes her hair first like you know how she does it and then she actually opens a door and there's the guy with the weird hair and mom looks confused and she asks who he needs and you know who he asked for? Me! He asked for me! So then mom told me to pack my things because she said that I get to stay with you for awhile and then the weird guy takes me here and here I am! But then also Mateo cried because he wanted to come with me. Oh, Maisy, you should just see him! He'd grown so big now and he can almost walk and it's sad that you don't getta see us but that's okay because I've been telling Mateo all about you and he's memorized your name already! It was the second word he learned, of course, after Mason." Mason grins and takes in a huge breath after he's done ranting like the young ones do.

I smile and hug him. "Oh, Mason. I'm sure that Mateo isn't the only one who's grown. Look at you! You've grown so big as well!" I pinch his chubby cheeks.

He pushes my hands away and tinkers with the junk parts he's brought with him. "Yeah, but Mateo can almost walk now that he's a sun old."

I screw two pieces together, hoping it'll work. They fall apart. "But you've grown taller and it's only been like what, two weeks?"

He nods. "But still." A knock sounds at the door. Mason looks at me. "What if it's the weird guy?"

I laugh, going over to open the door. "What weird guy?" Mav comes into the room, carrying some testing supplies and a foldable bed in a cart behind him.

Mason's eyes open slightly wider. "That one!"
I turn to look at Mav. "You went to get him last night?"

He nods. "Nobody else wanted to go out late last night, and I had a few extra minutes so I just decided to go."

Without thinking, I hug him. He tenses for a second before hugging me back. "Thank you so much Mav."

He grins. "No problem. I know you're upset about the whole situation."

I nod, not wanting to think about not seeing Megan while my brother is here. I turn back to my brother, who's still tinkering with parts on my bed. "Why is he the weird guy, Mason?"

Mav look towards us, amused. "You called me weird?"

Mason giggles. "Yeah, your hair's weird."

He cocks his head to the side. "How so?"
I scan over Mav's hair, not noticing anything out of place on the strands of his black hair.

Mason hops down to the floor, going behind Mav, who towers over him. "You have white right there." He stands on his toes, pointing to a spot near the back of Mav's head.

My eyes follow to where he's pointing. Mav's hair does have an unusual trait to it. There's a faint white streak running down the top of his head to the back. I put a hand on my cheek. "Wow."

Mav runs a hand through his hair. Oh yeah. That. I've had that mutation since I was born and there's nothing I can really do about it."

I shake my head in disbelief. "Mutation? Mav, that isn't a mutation. That right there is a special quality. You're so unique!"

Mav smiles at me. "Wow. Thanks, Maisy." Our gazes lock for a moment longer than is should. I break away first.

"Can we play now?" I look over to Mason, who's wrinkling his nose with boredom.

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