| Moon | ten

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"Hello, Maisy." I open my eyes and rub them with my free hand - the other one with Moon in my arms - looking towards the direction of the voice.

"Doctor Morgan?" She smiles, then looks down at Mav - who's asleep in the chair next to my bed - and frowns slightly, shaking her head.
She presses her lips into a thin line before plastering a fake smile on her features. "I have a visitor for you." She steps to the side and another figure steps in. I tense when I see who's now standing next to Doctor Morgan.

"Chief Superior." I acknowledge her with a nod, remembering the time she publicly embarrassed me.

She gives me a fake smile as well, an instant flashback of her smiling during my passage. "Maisy. How nice to see you again. Looks like you've been doing well." She says, with forced politeness laced in her tone. She too glances at Mav next to me. "I see that you have made a new friend. You two seem very comfortable with each other. Just make sure that you don't get too comfortable, or we'll have a problem, alright? She smiles again.

Don't get too close or we'll have a problem? I shake my head. This woman is the one who's the problem here. I don't get why she can't just mind her own business and leave me alone. I don't even get how some people understand what she's saying to them, but I have to be nice, otherwise... they'll give me a worse punishment, thought I can't think of anything worse than being a moonmother. "Nice to see you too." I manage to say.

Chief Superior glances down at Mav again. "We need to speak with you in private," She pauses, gesturing to Mav. "Even if he's asleep."

I sigh, nudging Mav. His eyelids flutter open slowly and he yawns, stretching from his position. "Oh hey, I-" He stops as he notices the two women standing at the door. I can see him flinch. Chief Superior must've hurt him, too. "Chief Superior, Doctor Morgan." He nods, his hand flying to his head in an effort to fix his slightly disheveled hair.

I lean over, patting down a part that standing up. "They want to speak to me in private." I whisper, looking at the two women.

He gives me a grateful glance for fixing his hair and nods. I gently pass Moon over to him, surprised that he's still asleep. Mav meets my eye. I'll come back later. He mouths, his grey-blue eyes twinkling. I nod and gesture for him to go. "I'll be on my way." He says to Doctor Morgan and the Chief Superior before taking Moon with him.

They turn back to look at me and share a glance at each other, stepping closer to me. "Have you named him?" Doctor Morgan asks, her pen hovering over her clipboard.

I nod. "Yes."

She looks up from her clipboard, raising an eyebrow. "What's his name?"

"Moon." I mumble, not looking up at her. I fiddle with the bedsheets draped around me, straightening the lumps. I don't like talking about Moon with her, it feels as if she's invading my privacy.

"I'm sorry, what? Speak up, please." She replies, the Chief Superior hovering behind her.

"Moon." I say a bit more clearly.

"Moon?" They glance at each other, showing a hint of disapproval.

I nod slowly. "His name is Moon." I say more firmly.

Doctor Morgan shakes her head. "Maisy... I
don't think we can name him Moon. It would be too confusing and it would disrupt-"

"Disrupt what?" I cut in. "Distrupt how the community works just like you disrupted my life? You don't get it, do you." I glare at the two women who look a bit taken aback. " I'm naming my son Moon, and that's that. His name is Moon."

The Chief Superior takes a few steps back, as if I offended her. She frowns, but then immediately the frown is replaced with a smirk. "Very well." She looks at Doctor Morgan. "Doctor? Let's get started on what we were talking about in the hallway." Doctor Morgan nods.

She and Doctor Morgan head to the door, but not before stopping to say one last thing to me. "I hope you keep on being happy with your actions, Maisy." Then they leave.

I blink, trying to process what just happened. I talked back to the Chief Superior. That would surely get me in trouble. I don't know for sure, but I think they were talking about how to punish me with what they were talking about in the hallway. I close my eyes, easing myself down onto the bed, a headache beginning to pound on my head.

Whatever they were talking about scares me. I thought that being a moonmothers was the worse punishment you could get. Maybe I was wrong.

So what have I done?


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