Chapter 2

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Jughead's POV: while I was working on my homework but I couldn't focus because all I could hear was my dumb cousin playing a game. To be honest it sounds really boring it's just like truth or dare but you only do dares, "shut the fuck up sweet pea!" I shout. Whatever I'm just going to the library "where are you going?" Sweet pea asks "to the library" I say and leave, I get inside my car but it wouldn't turn on "fuck fuck fuck!" My car is a really old car and today it just died. I need a new car now! I'm going to look for a new car, as I look on my phone for a new car all of them were expensive some were 500 or even 1000! I only have 30 dollars. I don't even have a job and even if I did I would need like three paychecks to buy a new car how am I going to afford a car if I don't have that much money! What am I going to do, wait sweet pea has been earning money really fast and a bunch of money he could probably give me some. I go back inside "sweet pea since I am your favorite cousin I need you to give me a bunch of money" I say "hell no earn it yourself" he says "come on you have so much money how did you even get it" I ask "by playing Nerve it pays you to do dares" he says. I didn't know you get paid to do dares "I'll think about it" I say and go back to my room, should I play how bad could it be maybe? I mean I want a new car I'll think about it but I need a 4 hour nap.
                 Veronica's POV
Shit!!!! I need money to buy clothes and food, what do i do now!! It's the only job that actually needed me. I mean it's not my fault their junk food is disgusting they fucking use expired meat! EXPIRED FUCKING MEAT!!!!! Also it's not my fault that they only get two costumers. They treat me like garbage at my work and no me gusta, i need money though for my clothes. My mom and dad don't want to buy me anything not even food! I have to think of a way to get money fast. Wait a minute why can't I just play Nerve I mean you do get paid to do dares, maybe the dares are simple like it dares you to kiss a wall or something. I have decided I'm playing Nerve but right now I'm going to stalk Shawn Mendes on instagram again.

          *4 hours later*
  Jugheads POV: when I woke up from my four hour nap I made my decision, I am going to play Nerve. How bad could it be? It sounds boring but who cares okay I have to make an account (he makes his account) okay here we go first dare I have to click start.
Nerve dares:

Where the fuck am I going to get expired milk! Whatever I have to go find some

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Where the fuck am I going to get expired milk! Whatever I have to go find some. "Sweet pea! Do you have expired milk" I ask "yup here you go" He says and passes the expired milk, it smelled like shit! Okay here I go. Ewwwww!! I have to drink all of it though (He finishes drinking the milk) that was disgusting, oh well I got 50$.
                 Veronica's POV:
Once I finished stalking Shawn Mendes I decided to play Nerve. I set up my account and the first dare shows up

50$ bucks that's more money then I get from my paycheck, but still I have to eat dog food gross

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50$ bucks that's more money then I get from my paycheck, but still I have to eat dog food gross. Okay good thing my mom has a dog, I  grab the dog food and start eating it. How the fuck do dogs like this shit "what are you doing?" My mom asks me "nothing I was hungry" I respond and leave back to my room. Eww that was so gross but at least I made 50$ I need my next dare now!

Okay I just have to slap a random guy, I go outside and walk around I see no one and finally I see a guy he had black hair, and he was wearing a beanie

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Okay I just have to slap a random guy, I go outside and walk around I see no one and finally I see a guy he had black hair, and he was wearing a beanie. I walk up to him and smack him and suddenly he smacks my butt "what the fuck was that for!" I ask angrily "it was a dare" he says
"And why did you slap me!" He asks "it was also a dare" I say, we make eye contact he had such beautiful blue eyes, and those lips! "Well do you want to partner up?" He asks me "what do you mean?" "We should team up do dares!" He says that sounds nice. If you think about it partnering up with someone sounds good and helpful! "Okay sure" I say and we walk together.

Jugheads POV:
Okay next dare

Well I gotta do what gotta do, I went outside and there was no one except for one raven haired girl

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Well I gotta do what gotta do, I went outside and there was no one except for one raven haired girl.
She comes running up to me and then she smacks me once after I smacked her butt, "what was that for!" She says "it was a dare" I respond and she smacked me because it was a dare also we made eye contact for a bit. And to be honest she was so pretty, her dark brown eyes, and her beautiful hair, I asked her if she wanted to partner up and to my surprise she said yes! We leave walking around.

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