Chapter 9

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Veronica's POV
I cant believe him why would he do that!
Why would I even let him kiss me, I feel like such a slut right now. Hopefully no one saw us kiss, I mean Toni,Cheryl, Kevin, and BETTY went to the movies together today! I know how betty is, she sees you making out with your boyfriend and immediately gets your boyfriend to have feelings for her. I wish jughead never kissed me! I mean he's my friend, and yeah I like him but still. I just wish this never happened! Wait. But who's gonna give jug a ride home! Fuck. I know I shouldn't be worried about him after what just happened but he's still my best friend.

Authors note!
So I decided to bring this book back for my fellow Riverdale watchers! Though I don't watch Riverdale anymore I'll still try to finish this book, hopefully I can! Bye bye my little milkshakes❤️

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