Chapter 13

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No one's pov:
Veronica and jughead spent the whole day together doing fun stuff, they laughed, ate like fucking pigs, and even slapped each other's asses! Jughead was glad to be Veronica's friend again, and this time he wasn't gonna ruin his friendship with her again. Yes, he liked Veronica more than just a friend but after what he did to her she probably doesn't want to be in a relationship.

They were both tired and just wanted to watch a movie. But sadly Veronica's wifi wasn't working, "fuck, what do we do now!" Veronica complained. " I honestly don't know, your wifi isn't working, neither is your fucking microwave so we can't even make popcorn!" jughead groaned trying his best not to sound rude. They were quiet for what seemed like hours until Veronica spoke, "wanna play nerve?" she questioned her raven-haired friend, jughead frown turned into a smirk "fuck yeah." he responded and they both immediately got out of the house and walked to McDonald's just to get free Wi-Fi. Since they are both fat asses they ordered food even though they are like an hour ago at the mall, while they were waiting for the food they opened nerve and waited for their dare.

 Since they are both fat asses they ordered food even though they are like an hour ago at the mall, while they were waiting for the food they opened nerve and waited for their dare

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"umm what scene should I cause?" they both said in sync, "wait you got the same dare?" Veronica asked jughead, he just nodded and they both made up a plan

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"umm what scene should I cause?" they both said in sync, "wait you got the same dare?" Veronica asked jughead, he just nodded and they both made up a plan. The food finally came so the hungry teenagers started eating, "ready 1 2 3 go!" jughead whispered shouted. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! WHOS THIS HOE YOU'VE HAS BEEN TEXTING!" Veronica yelled which caused everyone's attention to the two friends, "SHES JUST A FRIEND!" jughead shouted. "JUST A FRIEND HUH?! THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CALL HER BABY!" Veronica tried her best to sound like a jealous girlfriend but she wanted to laugh so badly. "umm excuse me, can you two please talk about this outside." one of the workers said trying his best not to sound scared, they both nodded and left the fast-food restaurant.
"omg! Did you see everyone's faces!" Veronica wheezed trying not to pee herself, all jughead could do was die of laughter. But they both stopped laughing when one of them started soaking themselves in pee... But it wasn't just one of them it was both. 'shit' they both thought.

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