Veronica lodge first thinks that the game Nerve is trash until she gets fired from her job and needs money. She decided to play Nerve because she needed money and met a boy, she was actually enjoying the game until it started to turn serious.
Veronica woke up with a huge headache, she noticed jughead was sleeping in the floor. She shakes jughead to wake up "jughead wake up!" Veronica whisper shouts jughead wakes up also with a huge headache, they both take a pill and drink it hoping the headache could be gone soon. "Do you want to play again?" Jughead asks her she just nods.
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"No!! I can't shoplift" Veronica says freaking she couldn't believe what this game was doing to her, "it's okay Veronica, shoplifting is very easy!" Jughead says while smirking at her. "Wait! You've done this before?!" She shouts "Well when I was 16 I was in a bad place, so i wanted to have some fun and shoplifting made me happy" he says cheerfully while looking at stores to rob. "Wait! Your actually going to commit a robbery?!" She yells "yes!! Now shut up!! I'm looking which store is better!" He shouts glaring at her.
Veronica's POV: "Why can't we just quit the game?" I ask him he turns his phone off and looks at me angrily "why would we quit the game?" He asks calmly "because I have to shoplift and you have to commit a fucking robbery!" I shout "Well I don't want to quit the game! I love it I feel awesome! And now I get to have even more fun!!" He says smiling. I can't believe him right now! He's acting like committing a robbery is cool but it's actually illegal, "Are you even listening to yourself! You do know it's illegal!" I say angrily "so what?! Life is short, we have so many things to do in life!" He says yelling. "But doing something illegal isn't fun!!" I say "yes it is! But your just a scaredy-cat!" He yells out. "I am not scared! I'll prove it" she says hesitantly "then do your dare" he says each word one by one, that's when Veronica quickly changed and went to the store walking but jughead wasn't with her. Whatever she thought to herself
Veronica's POV ————— Okay I got this! It's probably really easy to shoplift, jughead thinks I can't do it but I know I can. Why? Because I am Veronica lodge and if someone thinks I can't do anything I'll prove them wrong, he really thinks I can't shoplift. He's going to be so shocked that he'll definitely pee his pants. *at Claire's* Okay I know it's a little kids store but last time I went shopping with my little cousin and I saw some really cute earrings but I was to embarrassed to buy them, now is my chance to get them for free. I just have to go in and carefully take them and put them in my pocket, *she goes in* I'm inside. Oh there they are okay let's take them really fast, yes! They are in my pocket now it's time to g- ooooh but this chocker is very pretty. The dare never told me how much things to shoplift so I'm taking them! *3 minutes later* fuck! All my pockets are filling up well I guess it's time to leave. *she leaves Claire's* woohoo! That was so much fun! Now I get why jughead said it was fun and really easy. Okay I just completed the dare and got my money now I have to go home and wait for jughead to text me when he's done with his dare.
Jughead's POV ———— Veronica just left her house, I have to commit a robbery and I got to admit I'm pretty nervous. I have shoplifted before but I never committed a robbery, oh well at least I'll get money. But where should I commit the robbery.......... I got it! I'll do it at my dads gas station! But I have to hide my identity so I don't get arrested. That means I have to go home and change *he goes home and changes* okay I'm changed black shoes,shirt,jacket, and my mask of course is black to. Let's do this! *at fp's gas station* I'm inside okay here I go, "give me all the money bitch!!" I shout at the cashier he puts his hands up and then gives me all the money. I put it in my backpack, ooolalala i see my favorite candy kit-kat! I take all of them and take and also got Veronica's favorite candy to (sour patch kids). I leave the gas station and run back to Veronica's house.