Veronica lodge first thinks that the game Nerve is trash until she gets fired from her job and needs money. She decided to play Nerve because she needed money and met a boy, she was actually enjoying the game until it started to turn serious.
*2 weeks later at 8:56PM* Veronica's POV: Me and jughead have been hanging out these last two weeks and I got to say he's a really nice guy, I can't believe what made us friends was a game that made us slap each other... well he slapped my butt. I kinda feel bad for jughead, his dad kicked him out because he found out about jughead robbing his gas station, at least his friend is letting him stay over at his house for a little while. Oh and also today jughead and I are going to the movie theater and we are going to watch the new movie that just came out. It's called Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, I'm really excited to go! We are leaving at around 9:30 PM.
Jughead's POV: It's been two weeks already and I'm still sad that I was kicked out of my house but at least I'm hanging out with Veronica(yeah, it's not like you've been hanging out with her every single day😏). I can't wait to see the new movie that came out and mostly because I love horror movies! They are the best things ever, I wish I can be in one but I don't think I'll be a good enough actor. I kinda miss playing Nerve but I'm having a lot of fun with Veronica, also Betty keeps texting Veronica and asking why she kissed Archie but Veronica doesn't respond.
*At the movie theater*
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This is what Veronica wore! Narrators POV: When Veronica came to the movie theater she saw jughead ordering some popcorn, "hey Prince Eric!" Veronica calls out to him. He turns around "Hey megara"(Megara is from the movie Hercules) he says, he pays for the popcorn and goes up to her and gives her a hug. "Ready to watch the movie?" She asks he nods and they go and take they're seats to watch the movie. *2hrs later* Veronica's POV: When the movie finished I was going to take jug back to his friends house, we got in my car and their was a long moment of silence. "That was a good movie!" I say breaking the long awkward silence "I guess, they could've done better" jug says, we started laughing and looked at each other. He got closer and closer to my face and then he started to kiss me, I kissed back. He started to unzip my pants, "STOP!" I yelled at him pushing him away "what's wrong?" He asked me. "What's wrong! You think I really want to have sex!" I snap, "actually yeah, I did!" He said angrily. "WOW! I can't believe you right now!" I shouted at him "believe what Veronica! Every single guy has needs!" He shouted back, "So What! You know what go fuck your self! Get out of my car!" I said unlocking my car door. "Fine!" He says angrily and leaves.
Writer's Note: Hey guys! I know I've been gone for a long time but it's just I have been sad lately because all of my friends don't want to hang out with me anymore, but I thought for a long time and thought to myself fuck them! I need to write! I promise I'll post more and longer parts.