Chapter 1

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*Your P.O.V*
"Ugh...." I groaned as I got out of bed. Starting high school is bad enough but starting high school without my brother? It feels even worse.

Hmmm. Which one is the uniform again? I thought, looking through a pile of clothes. A Navy and white skirt uniform caught my eye. This should be it! Seconds after I walked out the door, (BF/N) tapped my shoulder and said cheerily, "Ohayo, (Y/N)-kun!"

"Ohayo." I replied bluntly.

"Which clubs are you gonna join? I'm going to the literature and Swimming Club!" (BF/N) told me.

"Mhm. I'm probably just gonna join basketball and maybe (Second Choice)." I mumbled. "After all, basketball was the sport Ni-San taught me." My (H/C) hair fell to the front of my face covering it. (BF/N) gave a sad smile knowing how much I loved Kosuke.

"Oh look!" (BF/N) shouted. "We're Here!" She was right. I was standing in front of the huge school! "Well, gotta go! See you soon, (F/N)." She said giving me one last hug before she went to find her clubs. Walking forwards, I found an amusing sight. A guy with red hair and a dash of black was carrying a guy with spiky, brown hair by the collar.

I chuckled and continued to walk forwards, only this time I was following the boys. They led me to the sign-up table for basketball. I sign a sheet that was on the table and left for class.

*Riko's P.O.V*
"Here you forgot these two," Koganei said, Handing me the two sheets.

V*"Here you forgot these two," Koganei said, Handing me the two sheets

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"Let's see (F/N) (L/N) and Kuroko Tetsuya

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"Let's see (F/N) (L/N) and Kuroko Tetsuya... WAIT! He's from Teiko?! Ugh, why don't I remember that golden egg's face?" I yelled, groaning afterward.

<Time Skip To Practice>

"Look at the manager. Isn't she cute?"

"She's a second-year right? If only she was a bit sexier."

"Idiots, You're Wrong," Hyuga said, punching the back of their heads.

"I'm the boy's basketball coach, Riko Aida. Nice to meet you". I introduced myself.

"Eh?! It's not him." The First years exclaimed pointing to an old man in the back.

"He's our advisor, Takeda-sensei," I added. "Now that you know that, take off your shirts!" I saw confused faces but they did what they were told. Analyzing their bodies, they were each pretty average until I got to Kagami. His numbers are way higher than a normal first year. This is the first time I saw something like this. Just who is he really? Such raw talent! I thought.

"Coach! What are you staring at? You looked at all of them Kagami's the last one." Hyuga told me, bringing me back to reality.

"Huh? Oh okay. Wait, is Kuroko and (L/N) Here?" I replied. "No? Alright then, let's get started with the practice."

"Excuse me, I'm Kuroko." At the same moment, the gym doors opened, revealing an (H/C) girl.

"Tetsuya? Why are you here?"

*Your P.O.V*
"Tetsuya? Why are you here?" I asked my light blue old friend, who didn't seem to recognize me.

"Who are you?"

"I'm (L/N) (F/N)."

"EHHH?!" The brown-haired girl seemed shocked at my name.

"Is something wrong, Err..."

"Oh! I'm Riko Aida, the coach." Riko said.

"Oh yes. Riko-Senpai. I'm signed up for this class." I replied with a stoic face.

"Eh?! But aren't you a girl?" A guy with glasses asked.

"What's wrong with a girl playing basketball Hyuga/Megane?!" This time Riko yelled at the so-called Hyuga with me. I was fuming with anger. What's wrong with me playing basketball? I thought.

"Don't mind him but are you sure? This is a boy basketball team." Riko told me.

"I don't care as long as I get to play basketball," I said.

"Alright then take off your shirts. Both of you!" Riko says. Kuroko and I took off our shirts. Since I was going to play basketball, I wore 2 (F/C) sports bras on me. Riko scanned my stats first and I came to find a surprised coach.

*Riko's P.O.V*
HER STATS! I was shocked! Legs and her arms have amazing numbers as well! Her upper body is weaker than her lower body though. She can make it into the team. I blinked my eyes and move on to Kuroko. This time, I was surprised in a different way. His Stats are lower than the others.

*No one's P.O.V*
<After School>
(Y/N) walked to a nearby restaurant that just happens to have a park next to it. In the midst of the dark, she saw two shadows. Curious, she walked quietly and overheard.

"You should quit basketball. That other girl should too. Both of you are too weak for basketball." Kagami said. Once again mad, (Y/N) went out of her hiding spot and whacked Kagami's head and yelled,

"Idiot! Whether or not to quit is my decision! So, don't you dare try speaking me out of this, Bakagami!"

"Tch. I'm out of here. Do whatever you want." Kagami clicked his tongue and left.

"I believe he's a nice person (L/N)," Kuroko says, flatly.

"Call me (Y/N) and I doubt it. But you don't remember me do you?" I asked.

"Sorry but no."

"That's fine. See you tomorrow, Kuroko-kun."

(A/N)'S Note:
918 words long!
How's the first episode?
Sumimasen if you don't like it. The next chapter will most likely be up next week, if I have time it will be up earlier.

Thanks for reading!

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