Chapter 5

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No One's P.O.V

Seirin passed the first round of the preliminaries. With Kuroko and (Y/N) benched in the second game, Seirin crushed Jitsuzen, 118-51. Then, they went against Kinga High and won. Surprisingly, things are going smoothly. Riko thought, observing the game. Twitch Twitch The sound causes Riko to look over to Kuroko and saw him twitching.


"No, its nothing. I just really want to play." Riko sweatdropped and looked over to (Y/N). (Y/N) was fidgeting with her fingers while her left leg bounces up and down. They must be so restless. Riko thought. Then there is the fourth game...

(Y/N), Kagami and Kuroko practiced while waiting for their opponents to show up. Just then, the doors opened and revealed five boys chattering with each other.

"We might actually have a tough game for once." One of them said.

"We're against Seirin today."

"Nah. They were destroyed in the championship league, this will be easy."

"They're nothing but a new school, That made it through with sheer luck."

"Eh? It those bullies from that time." Kagami points out. (Cue the flashback)

"Let us go greet them, whatcha say?" (Y/N) spun a basketball with her pointer finger.

One of the players bumped into Kagami.

"Yo, we meet again," Kagami says.

"Hello," Kuroko replies bluntly spinning a basketball on his finger.

"What's up?" (Y/N) kept the ball under her arm and stood next to Kagami. (OMG... It's the three musketeers.)

The boys were too shocked to say anything and way too scared that they all thought, We are so going to lose. And Seirin passed the fourth round.

"Things are going easily maybe we'll make it to the next rounds as easily too!" One of the first years said.

"How naive." Hyuga sighed.

"Must be nice to be young and carefree." Izuki drank some water. (Y/N) sweatdropped and said,

"You're still young too though."

Hyuga then went on with a speech about the kings of Tokyo. (Y/N) zoned out for a while thinking about Kosuke and Her parents. I hope you can see me standing here in the courts. She thought, closing her eyes. Her eyes snapped open a few seconds later. She didn't know if it was real but she was sure she heard the words, We're watching over your sweetie. And you're doing grate. She mentally laughed at her mom's pun.

"The three kings..."

"Look they're here." Riko pointed out. Everyone looked up to see Shutoku. "It's better to see it yourself than to hear about it." Riko stood up from the bench. "First years prepare yourself. You'll see something amazing today."

"One of the three kings, Shutoku High."

Suddenly Kagami also stood up from the benches and (Y/N) followed salute.

"I'm gonna go say hi."

"Sure." Hyuga agreed subconsciously. "Wait." He looked up and saw them walking towards Shutoku. "Hey!"

"Hey. You're Midorima Shintaro, right?" Kagami asked, with the (H/C) hair girl following from behind.

"Yes. But who are you?" Midorima asked. The black hair sidekick thought You know who he is. Why are you so proud? And snickered. Kagami held out his hand.

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