Chapter 3

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<No one's P.O.V>

"Ugh...." (Y/N) groaned as she woke up. Blinking and getting out of bed, she changed and walked to school.

"Ohayo, (Y/N)-Chan!" (BF/N) chirped, only to stop when she noticed that (Y/N) was half-awake. "Oh jeez." (BF/N) pouts at the sight. "How will you survive a life like this?! Your hair is unkempt, your uniform is wrinkled and your back will hurt if your in that pose!"

"Shush, (BF/N). I'm tired." (Y/N) states.


<Time Skip to practice made by (Y/N) struggling to stay awake>

"Okay, everyone listen up!" Riko order, getting everyone's attention. "I got us a little something for those basketball heads." Nodding over to Kagami and (Y/N). "We have a practice game against Kaijo later on this week."

"What?! How?!" Everyone but Kuroko, (Y/N), and Kagami exclaimed, shocked by the news.

"That's something for me to know and for you to find out. Now Go Pratice!" Riko yells.

(Y/N), although tired, was now pumped up and stole the ball from a second year. Dribbling and sprinting, down the court, she crossed 2 defenders, faked out 1 defender and dunked the ball into the hoop.

"Let's do this!" (Y/N) passed the ball to Kuroko, who use his misdirection and passed to Kagami who waa then guarded by Izuki. He looks as if he went in for a drive but actually it was a fake and spun around Izuki and slammed the ball into the hoop.

"Oh! So this is Seirin's team." A voice called out. The basketball team turned their heads to see a blond boy sitting on the stage and tons of fangirls running in shouting,





Poor (Y/N). Since she only just fully woke, her ears were sensitive to the sound. "Sorry! Can you wait 5 minutes?" Kise asks, giving a smile.

He was just about to sign a magazine, when all the fangirls ran off and he came face to face with an angered (Y/N).

Flashback to a few minutes ago
These people are annoying! (Y/N) thought. Can't they be a bit quieter?! (Y/N) glared at the hoard of fangirls and freaked out completely. Fuming with anger, she took the ball from Kagami, who mumbled out an 'uh I didn't mean for this to happen', and threw the ball towards the fangirls, leading them out of the gym.
Flashback End

"Tch, you and your fangirls are just as equally annoying." (Y/N) clicked her tongue as Kise cried anime tears.

"Hidoi!!!" Kise cried, but he wiped his tears away and jumped off the stage and walk towards Kuroko.

"Why is Kise Ryouta doing here?" Hyuga questioned.

"I was told that we would have a practice game against Seirin and I remembered that Kurokocchi went here," Kise stated cheerily. "So I thought I come here and say Hi! You see me and Kurokocchi were best friends in middle school."

"Not more than anyone else," Kuroko said, with a poker face.

"Pft." (Y/N) chuckled at Kuroko's response.

"So mean, Kurokocchi!" Kise cried.

"It says here that Kise Ryouta is part of the Generation of Miracles. He started as a second-year and made it to the starters. While less experienced, he is rapidly improving." Furihata reads from the magazine.

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