Cptr8 The Broken Curse

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The final and last chapter. This is shitty but shut it

Third person Pov:

It was a normal day. Everyone bored out of their brain cells. But, A sudden explosion came from the castle. Nacht, Schlamm, Grasshopper, and Stripy (aka UK ) went to where the explosion came from. There were other dragons there also. Like Eis, Dunkelheit, A guard, Pearl a local water dragon, Even Twiddle. Then out came a scary/freaky creature dat was extremely U G L Y. (Herea ref UwU):

"WHO IN THE NAME OF JOREH ARE YOU" Grasshopper yelled pointed at the creature

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"WHO IN THE NAME OF JOREH ARE YOU" Grasshopper yelled pointed at the creature

The creature turned to him, "I'm Radio! The destroyer of worlds! And *I thINk yoU're HoT* You should shut it before I KILL you. You foolish mortal."

Grasshopper was getting a bit *FLusTerEd* annoyed. "Listen here. I don't know who are but I want *tO mARry YoU* you to leave this planet..."

Radio *BluSheD* snarled " *OmG I woULd lOvE tO* You dare challenge me you fool?!?"

Grasshopper "Does it look like I'm joking?"

Nacht's mind: I've never seen Grasshopper act like this before

Radio out of nowhere threw himself at Grasshopper. Grasshopper dodged. His body slowly shifting. His two main eyes grew smaller and moved to the middle more as a third grew between them. His dragon wings turned more insect. His back legs fused to his tail to make his like a snake. He grew another pair of arms. His claws fused together to make pure black insectish arms. Grasshopper then attacked Radio

(Time skip cuz I'm a lazy bean ;w;)

Radio and Grasshopper were both pretty injured. Then Grasshopper make a wormhole to somewhere then headbuted Radio in. Then a bright wave like thing explodes. All dragons changed. Nacht became a true night dragon. Eis looked like a normal dragon. King Charcoal and Queen Lilac changed also.

"The boy! He's was the one in the scroll!" A dragon yelled

"Dafuq you talkin bout" Dunkelheit questioned

"There was a scroll. This island was cursed by that thing. It was a failed attempt to make a drake. The scroll said that a dragon as powerful as the gods would come to break the curse. It said he would trap the beast and bring it to peace by giving hope and care. And Grasshopper is the one from the scroll." Twiddle said apearing from the darkness.

"Oh... Wait! How do you know my name?" Grasshopper screamed

"I have my ways" Twiddle said

Everyone else: O_O

Scp-106: You're worst then me!

Joreh: oi. Ya not suppose to be here! Y E E T *Yeet larry then disapears*

Eis walked to Nacht.

"I'm really sorry for what I've done. I was just so broken I became someone else. But since your sister hatched I've wanted to change..." Eis said tapping his claws together

"I'll forgive you" Nacht said hugging her father

Eis hugged back

Dunkelheit: *thumbs up* UwU

Schlamm walked up to his parents "Hi..." He was very awkward

Queen Lilac hugged her son imeditly. So did Charcoal.

"Don't you dare go running off without tellinh us. You scared us both to death" Charcoal scolded

"I promise!" "I'm just glad to see you both again!" Schlamm said with a large grin

"Us too" Lilac and Charcoal said




"Welp... Looks like my time is done here..."

Grasshopper opened a wormhole back to da Countryhuman world " Time for you to go home Stripy. Your little friends must be worried sick" UK looked sad but went through.

Grasshopper opened a wormhole
"Goodbye Everyone"

"Will you come back?" Dunkelheit asked

"Don't worry I'll visit!" Grasshopper jumped through the portal

"Don't worry I'll visit!" Grasshopper jumped through the portal

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Thanks you for the support! I'm glad y'all enjoyed my story!. Also after a bit of thinking. I might have lil shorts with the characters. Welp yee. Also for Lucky_thecat for the help with some characters and yee. Also the things like *thIs* are just for shits and giggles

Wordcount: 652

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