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******Emma Pov*******

I woke up kinda early cause my hand hurt so I decided to take the medicine the doctor told me to take if my hand hurts. I climbed down the ladder and went into the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen Kenny was in there eating a donut. He smiled at me then started walking towards me I tried to walk away but he grabbed my hood and pulled me back. Then he wrapped his arm around my neck and used his other hand to pin my arms to my back. He kneed me in the back and it hurt really bad. I tried to get his arm away from my neck but he had a strong grip on my arms. Then he let go of my arms and neck. I walked away but he stooped me by kicking me in the back so I fell to the ground. My back hurt really bad that I cried and then I was pulled up by my hood by Kenny. Once I was on my feet Kenny slapped me and slammed me into the wall which made me fall.

"Kenny stop" I begged tears coming down my face. He bent down next to me and he undid his belt. He lifted up my shirtand then he whipped me with his belt and he kept me quiet by putting tape over my mouth. Tears were now pouring out of my eyes and I could feel my back bleeding.

Kenny stopped and went back to his bed kot thing. I laid there for a few minutes then I got up and went to shower.

I stepped into the shower and the hot water burned my back but I needed to get all the blood off my back. Once i was done showering I got out and looked at my back. It had some deep cuts and they looked bad. I then got changed into a different hoodie with leggings.

I walked out of the bathroom and Jack was getting out of his bed.

"Morning Em how did you sleep" he asked coming towards me.

"Fine and where is my medicine the doctor told me to take if my hand hurts cause it does" I asked

"Oh I put it in my bag" he said. He went into his bag and pulled out the pills and he handed me two. I swallowed them no problem and then he put them back in his bag.

"Thanks Jack" I said. He smiled then hugged me tight which hurt my back. We let go and he went into the bathroom. I quitley cried but then I heard someone so I wiped my tears and walked into the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen Jake was in there eating a donut from the box that we brought and they are have gone.

"Morning Foushe" I said as I grabbed a donut and bit into it.

"Morning Em how is your hand" he asked

"Ok it hurts a little but I am fine" I said as I sat down. Then Kenny came in and when I saw him the memory of him whipping me came back into my mind and brought me pain. I got up and walked to a different room to get away from him.

As I was walking into the room where a TV was Annabelle got up and climbed down the ladder. She was wearing spandex and a hoodie.

"Hi Em" she said as she her feet hit the floor.

"Hey want to go watch TV" I asked. She yawned and stretched.

"After I eat come with me" she said. I didn't want to go cause Kenny was probably still in there but Annabelle dragged me in there.

When we got into the kitchen Kenny and Jake were still there. Kenny saw me and he smiled. Annabelle got a donut and a glass of milk then sat down across from Kenny.

"Em sit down by me" Annabelle said. I started walking over to her to sit by her but Sam beat me to it and sat down.

"Sorry Em you were too slow sit next to Kenny" Sam said. Absolutely not.

"I will stand" I said

"Come on Emma sit next me" Kenny said smiling at me. I ended up walking out of the kitchen and into the TV room.

When I got there I immediately started crying and wishing I was at home.

"Em you ok" I heard JJ ask. I turned around and he was in the doorway.

"Um I just miss my mom" I said huge lie but I can't tell him cause Kenny might hurt me worse.

"Do you want me to go get Jack" he asked. Then Jack came up behind JJ and smacked him with shaving cream. Jack saw me crying and his facial expression changed from goofy to serious and worry all in one.

"Em what is wrong" he asked stepping closer to me.

"I just miss mom" I said wiping my tears. Jack hugged me lightly and his hands touched back and the tears started coming again cause my back hurts.

"Emma why are you tensing up" Jack asked. I let go of him and he let go of me.

"Um I don't know" I said.

"Em are you hiding something from me" he asked looking me straight in the eyes.

"No Jack" I said. He smiled kissed my forehead then walked out. I sat down on the couch and cried again. Then I heard the door so I wiped my tears and looked up to see Kenny smirking.

"Stop crying you baby" he said as he slapped me really hard.

"Leave me alone before I- he cut me off

"Before you what go tell Jack ya right if you tell him I will kill you" he said slapping me again but harder. Then he walked out and Annabelle walked back in with Sam.

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