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*******Jack Pov******

Today we are going to San Francisco and we are meeting up with Shawn who is going to come on tour with us for a little while. All the guys know Shawn but Emma and Annabelle don't so they will have a good time getting to know him.

Right now I am in my kot thing and I am texting Shawn.

Shawn- So who is all on tour with you guys?

Me- Foushe Johnson Holland Wilk Sam's little sister Annabelle and my little sister Emma.

Shawn- Cool and you have a sister how old? What she look like?Is she single?

Oh hell no is Shawn gonna date my sister that is not allowed.

Me- You are not dating my sister she is fourteen that is too young.

Then I heard moving around so I peeked my head out and I saw that Emma was climbing down the ladder.

"Morning Em" I said. She looked at me and I saw she had a cut on her lip. I got up and walked closer to her she tried to walk away but I grabbed her arm before she could.

"Jack I'm fine ok just let me go eat" she said. I put my hand on her face and I touched her lip which made her wince in pain.

"Em how did this happen the truth" I asked looking into her brown eyes.

"Jack just let me go eat" she said trying to get out of my grip but I held on tighter which made her wince in pain again. I pulled down her sleeve and saw she had four cuts on her arm.

"Emma why did you do this" I asked. She looked down and I heard sniffles which meant she was crying. I put two fingers under her chin and lifted her head up so she was looking into my eyes.

"I can't tell you Jack" she said. She can't tell why? I am her brother she has to tell me cause I need to protect her and make sure she isn't gonna get hurt.

"Emma why can't you tell me" I asked

"Cause I just can't" she said. I let her go of her and she went into the bathroom so I went into the kitchen.

JJ Foushe and Kenny were all in the kitchen eating McDonald's I am guessing they made the bus driver stop and get some.

"You guys didn't get me anything" I asked as I took a seat next to Kenny.

"Calm down pretty boy we got you some pancakes" JJ said as he handed me the bag and I started to eat. Then Emma came into the room she sat on the counter and sipped her water. I looked at her lip and there was a mark but from what?

"So guys Sammy just told me that some guy named Shawn is coming on tour with us is it true" Em asked

"Ya he is an excellent singer you should look him up on YouTube" Foushe said

"Ok how long is he staying with us" she asked

"Till the end of the tour" I said taking my last bite of my food. Then Emma walked out.

*******Emma Pov*******

After walked out of the kitchen I grabbed my laptop went on YouTube and looked up Shawn Mendes. A bunch of videos popped up so I clicked on the first one which was a song called Life Of The Party.

Jake was right he does have a good voice and he is pretty cute. After the video was over I turned my laptop off and put it back. Then I went into the game room to play ping pong with Luke.

******A few hours later Jack Pov****

We just arrived in San Francisco and we are waiting for Shawn at a Starbucks. I ordered two Caramel Frappes for Em and I then I took,a seat next to her.

"So this Shawn guy how old is he" Em asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"Fifteen but he turns sixteen August 8th" I said. Then I heard a familiar voice say my name and I turned to see Shawn walking in the door. He came over to us pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Hey Shawn this is my little sister Emma" I said as I put a hand on Emma's shoulder. Emma smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Hi Shawn I love your voice" she said and he laughed.

"I get that a lot" he said. Then Kenny Sam and Annabelle sat down. After talking for a while we went back on the bus and I showed Shawn his bed which is next to Emma's.

******Shawn Pov******

When I saw Emma I couldn't stop smiling cause she is just so beautiful, and her smile is so perfect. I wonder if Emma is single cause she I think I like her but I won't be able to date her cause Jack is the overprotective brother. 

"Shawn this is your bed and my sister is right above you she has been acting weird so if you hear something unusual then tell me" Jack said

"Ok I will and what do you mean weird" I asked and he gave me a look of don't talk about it so I put my bag on my bed then he walked away. I decided to explore the bus a little bit so I went for a walk.

The first room I went into was the kitchen and no one was in there but I did get a water. I walked a little bit more and I found the recording studio which will come in handy later. Then I heard a bunch of voices coming from the next room over so I went over there and it was a game room. Jack JJ Kenny Jake Sam Annabelle Luke Jenna and Emma were in there. Emma was playing ping pong with Jack Annabelle was getting tickled by Sam Luke Jenna Kenny and Foushe were playing fooze ball while JJ was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Shawn want to play the winner of this game" Jack asked not taking his eyes off of the ball.

"Sure" I said

"Just saying Shawn you will play me cause Jack sucks" Emma said and I laughed. She smiled and I noticed she had a cut on her lip wonder what it is from.

  "Dream on little sis" Jack said. Then Emma hit the ball and Jack missed it. Emma jumped up and down.

"You loose big bro" she said smiling her beautiful white smile.

"Your up Mendes" Jack said handing me a paddle.

Emma and I played for a while. After what felt like years I hit the ball and she missed it which meant I won.

"Nice game Mendes" Emma said as she set her paddle down and sat on the couch next to Jack.

"Thanks you too and you got some skills" I said

"Well I have beat everyone in the room besides you" she said.

"Wow you must be good" I said and Jack laughed.

"Well I did teach her" Jack said and Emma laughed.

"No you didn't teach me Molly did" Emma said

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