Pt. 2

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// so I'm really not sure what to do for the dates, so I thought maybe I'd ask you guys what you want to see.
If you have any ideas or whatnot, just comment, and Yee 😁 

If there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. I wrote this at McDonald's and practically in a rush. :( //

Ashton & Luke

"Where are we going, Ash?" The blonde questioned from the passenger's side.

The older boy gave a quick glance, smiling to the younger before turning back to look at the road.

"It's a surprise." 

It took an hour, both boys kept silent, the radio played in the background lightly. 

Luke looked out the window at everything that passed as Ashton drove. 

It all felt so weird to the blonde boy, he never in a million years would have thought he'd be in a situation like the one he was in. He hadn't been one to crush on people, let alone the fact that he crushed on two boy's at once while trying to get to know another.

The drive was a little farther then what Luke was used to, he rarely left his house often unless it had to do with work or his curly-haired friend's rehearsals, and he didn't go to those that a lot. 

Ashton pulled the car over to the side, they parked in front of a small store with a neon sign that said 'Books' in the window.

The younger looked over to Ashton as he put the car in park.

"Is this what I think it is?" 

Luke started to get a bit excited as he thought about where they were at.

Ashton smiled at the younger boy "I don't know, maybe?" 

Luke had always wanted to go to this bookstore, it wasn't like all the others he'd been to.

It was a special type of bookstore, they sold books of authors who weren't well-known as well as books from anonymous people who just wanted to put their books out there. Not to mention that there was a cute small cafe in the bookstore that had some of the best little cakes or so that's what Luke heard.

The blonde was eager to go into the store as he took off his seat belt and opened his door.

Ashton came around to Luke's side as the boy had gotten out of the car, a smile on the blonde's face as the older grabbed his hand; lacing their fingers together.

Luke hadn't realized the two were holding hands in public, no, he was way too busy aweing at the inside of the bookstore, cafe.

Calum & Michael

"This is heaven."

Calum smiled as he watched Michael drank his ice cream shake, most of it getting on his face.

"I'm glad you like the shake, but Mikey you've made a mess." The raven-haired boy smiled.

Michael set his cup down and looked to the table with a confused look on his face.

"But I don't see anything?"

The older boy shook his head and grabbed a napkin from the dispenser before leaning across the table.

"That's because it's on your face, Silly."

The lilac-haired boy blushed as Calum wiped at his cheeks and a bit of his mouth.

"Oopsie?" Michael giggled.

The two boys smiled at each other, Calum got up from his seat which was in front of the lilac boy, to sit beside Michael.

"Is this okay?" Calum asked, scooting closer to the boy.

The lilac haired boy smiled and simply nodded his head. 

They finished their drinks before leaving, off to their next destination.

"Are you jealous of a book store?"

"Psh, no. I'm just saying, that your focus is on the books rather than me." 

The blonde laughed out as he scanned the bookshelves.

"Well, I mean, am I not supposed to look at the books?" Luke questioned, looking at Ashton for a split second before going back to the books.

The two boys had slowly made their way from the first floor to the second floor. On the second floor, there was a small shelf that held books wrapped in paper. Luke thought it was a cute idea; they had placed small tags on the books that had the genre written on it. The books were anonymous, no one would know what they were about to read besides the genre and for Luke, it was exciting not knowing what was to come. The blonde scanned the small shelf before finding a romance book, now there were many other romance books, but there was something about that specific one that made Luke want it. So, he picked it up and decided he'd get the book, it had been some time since he'd read a book anyway.

"I'm going to get this, I think." Luke turned to Ashton, the boy took the book from the younger before disappearing.

"Oh! That kitty is so cute!" Michael exclaimed walking up to the cage.

Calum decided to take Michael to the local animal shelter to look at some of the animals and the lilac haired boy seemed to be as excited as the older hoped.

"Do you want to take it out?" Calum asked, looking around the room to see that no one else was in there. They were allowed to take the pets out, just had to be careful and to never do it when another cat or person was there.

Michael's face lit up like a Christmas tree as he looked to Calum. "Am I allowed?!"

The older simply nodded his head before walking up to the cage, he slowly pulled the lock away and the door opened. Michael was giddy as the older slowly and carefully took the small kitten out of the cage. 

The soft white-colored kitten was one of the nice ones, she let the two boy's hold her and even nuzzled her head into their palms.

"She looks like Lukey." Michael giggled as he continued to pet the cat's head.

The raven-haired boy looked at the cat with a smile. "She does, doesn't she?" 

"Can we keep her?" Michael asked, giving his best 'puppy dog' pout that made Calum want to say yes more than anything.

"How about we ask Luke when you get home?" Calum suggested, he slowly put the kitten back into her cage to both boys dismay.

"Hmm...okiee, but if he says yes then can we come back and get her?" 

"Of course we can, love." Calum smiled and grabbed onto Michael's hand.

"I can't believe you sneakily bought that for me." Luke was pouting as he sat in the passenger's seat.

"If I told you that I was going to do it, then you would have said no." Ashton shrugged, starting the car. 

"Maybe you can read it to me sometime?" 

Luke looked over to the older boy, he smiled "Alright, sounds fair enough."


That. was. shit.

It was all over the place, I'm so sorry.

I honestly had this chapter written out before but had to redo it all because I mixed up who was going on a date with who and there was so much, that I couldn't just change names. 

ugh. :(

I just wanted to upload something even though I really don't like this chap.

Everything is slowly settling, so hopefully, soon I can upload regularly, but until it does it'll probably be random updates if that. 

Thank you guys for reading and being so very patient with me.

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