chapter 3

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   The next day I woke up at 6:00 am and went to the river nearby to take a bath. I was done at about 6:30. I went back inside and changed. I brushed my teeth and ate a biiiiig breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I know I’m blind and everything but cooking is surprisingly easy for me. I listened to the radio while I ate. The British and French troops had surrendered to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. I didn’t really care, but this memory became so vivid because of what would happen later. I read the new book I got until 11:00. I finished the book and got ready to go to the party. I left at 11:30. I repeated the address again and again so that I would not forget it. I had to ask a few people but, I soon reached 17766 Peach tree Ln. I walked to the door, felt the stucco wall and found the door bell and I rang it. That’s when I realized that it was the address that was so familiar in a bad way. I was born here.

      Before I could run away, Amelia opened the door.

     “JEREMIAH! I didn’t think you would come!” I soon felt her arms around me. Warmth radiated through my body from hers. After a big hug she released me. I felt my face flush.

     “Listen I —“I was trying to make a clean get away, but Amelia cut me off.

     “Come in! Please do, let me introduce you to my dad, Joe Jones.”

     “Well hello, it’s very nice to meet you Jeremiah.” Mr. Jones said. Something about his voice sounded slimy and untrustworthy.

     I didn’t reply, but I gave a nod in his direction. The name Joe Jones rang a bell; a bell that I had locked away inside and hoped that it would never ring. Bottom line: I had to get out of here.

     “Well, Jeremiah; before the guests arrive we need to have a talk man to man in my office.”

     “There are no other guests, are there, or am I just a stupid blind boy called 43789, who has NO RIGHTS!?” I had raised my voice at the end there but I had a good reason. I’d explain but, then Mr. Jones said:

     “You look just like your father, you act like him too.”

     I muttered things that I shouldn’t have said under my breath about Mr. Jones.

     “Come along friend. We have much to discuss.”

     He gripped my arm and forced me down a hall. He shoved me into a small cluttered room. The only reason I could tell it was small and cluttered was because of the way sound waves bounced off the walls and objects. He put me in a small wooden chair and there must have been a desk in front of me and a chair on the other side because, He sat at about a few feet away from me and I heard him tapping the wood.

     “Ricky Newman Jr.” he chuckled. “We finally found you! Where were you hiding this whole time?”

     “Apparently, that’s a rhetorical question isn’t it? You were eavesdropping on me, or am I just a stupid blind boy called 43789, who has no rights?”

     “Why do you keep saying that?”

     I began to think about Peter and wished he was here to kill this guy. “Why not?”

     “Ricky Newman Jr.” he chuckled. “Let’s get -–“


     “Oh, but that’s what your parents named you.”

     “I despise my parents.” I said real, plain, and simple.

     “Why don’t you run away, like you used to the other times?”

     “I’d be living in a cage of fear and paranoia anyways right?”

     He chuckled, which I was getting really sick of hearing. “Still why don’t you?”

     “I’M TIRED OF BEING CHASED! Just call me your little lab rat and get it over with you, you… NAZI!”

     For once he was quiet. “Don’t you dare speak that way to me again!”

     “Oh, face it you know it’s true!”

     “GET HIM!”

     I soon felt two massive arms capture me and then… black

    I woke to the smell of soap and rubber gloves. The sweet sound of Amelia’s voice reached my ears. I new I was lying down on a hard surface.

     “Amelia?” was all I could pump up to my lips.

     “I’m sorry Jeremiah, I didn’t know.” I heard her sniffle it sounded like she had been crying.

      I heard footsteps come nearer. “Alright, Ricky Jr. time for surge—I mean the experiment.” The grossly familiar sound of Mr. Jones slippery voice slithered into my head. “Relax, Ricky Jr.”

     I struggled to get up, but failed because of shackles on my wrists and ankles.

“Just breath, relax.” and then… black (Well this sounds familiar doesn’t it?).

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