Part 17: Something wrong....

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Jennie where is you? We need you right now. What I have to do to make Jimin stay here for more longer. I keep thinking it.
     “Kookie-ah~ Let's drink again!!!( hic)”said Lisa.
     “I.don't. Want.”said Jungkook.
     “Jimin, let's bring them or else, they will do something dumb.”said Suga.
     “I agree that.”said Hobi while tapped Suga shoulder.
     “Okay. Guys pick them up.” said Jimin.


Suddenly, that song being played. My ideas popped out in my mind. I looked at the girls and they understand what I'm thinking.

      “Jimin-ah~” I smirked to him.I wrap my arm on her neck. He looked shocked. I lean on his ears and whispered.
     “Little bad girl want to play~” I kissed his neck softly and I don't know why but I think I lost control. Suddenly, he hold my waist and bring me closer to his arm.

He whispered on my ears.
     “You want to play?...Let's played now.” said Jimin with husky and sexy voice.

Lisa touch Jungkook body with her finger.
     “I want to be a bad girl tonight. Do you want to feel it?”said Lisa with sexy voice
     “What?”asked Jungkook. Lisa stepped back and start to dance with her hips. She looked really sexy. Jungkook looked at her and make sure she not take his eyes off from her.

Jisoo smashed her lips on Jin lips. They kissed passionately. They're couple so no need to worried.
     “You seem to enjoy this song.”said Jin while smirked. Jisoo just smirked victories. I know this plan will work.

Rose walked closer to Namjoon and he stepped back until his back hit on wall. Rose touch his neck with her finger and moved closer until their body leave no space.
      “Joonie~ Let played with a bad girl~”said Rose with seduce voice. Namjoon just remain silence. I know he looked shocked. Rose kissed his neck softly.

Suga and Hobi just stand there confusedly.
     “They're really easy to seduce by a girl they like.”said Hobi.
     “It true. Anyway, it gross.”said Suga.

I kissed Jimin neck softly and then stopped but Jimin don't stop. Okay this is weird. I know I lost my control but I still can manage it. Why he seem really enjoy it and why I can feel he want to eat me? Suddenly, he suck my neck and it hurts.
      “”I hold his shirt tightly. I can feel his hot breath.

   “Just hang on. I want to mark you. So that, everybody will know that you belong to me.” said Jimin and continue to suck my neck. I moaned silence. I can feel he smirked on my skin.

     “Okay, this is weird.” suddenly someone speak and bring everyone back to reality. I take a looked and it was Jennie.

     “Jennie!!!! You came!!”said Taehyung excitedly while run toward Jennie.
     “Don't come closer to me.”said Jennie and show her hands to sign him to stop. Taehyung pouted slightly.

I looked at Jennie and she sign me that we can go now. I nodded. I push Jimin slightly.
     “Thats enough girls. Let go home.”said Jennie.
     “Yeay!! Jendeukie pick us up~”said Lisa. She stopped dancing. I looked at Jungkook and he lick his bottom lips. I know he will be seduce. They really easy to seduce.

Lisa walked to us while pretend to drunk walked. I also walked to Jennie but Jimin grab my wrist and whispered on my ears.
     “You make  big trouble princess. You already turned me on. You will get my revenge for making me starving over you.” said Jimin. His voice is husky. My face turned red but I don't looked at him and just continue walked to Jennie.

Jisoo stand up and said goodbye to Jin. She walked to us same with Rose.
     “Thanks guys for taking cade of this girl”said Jennie.
     “It- it okay Jennie. But Jennie? Can you forget what you see just now?” said Jungkook.
     “Maybe.”said Jennie while smirked. We walked away. We went out and go towards our car. We drive to our home. It awkward silence cause...we don't believe that we enjoy to seduce the boys. Suddenly, Jennie broke the silence.

     “you guys enjoy that plan,huh?”said Jennie while focused on ride. Jisoo doesn't want to drive cause she still exhausted.
     “What!? If course not!!”
    “We just do that to attracted their attention!!”said Lisa.
    “Really? Cause I can tell that...Lisa enjoy dance sexy with her hips in front of Jungkook. Rose seem have fun with kissed Namjoon neck. Jisoo looked like she enjoy to have a  passionate kissed with Jin and lastly...Lydia seem have fun while Jimin suck her neck and I can see his purple hickey on your mark.”said Jennie

I closed my neck quickly. All our face being red.
     “Just admit it guys. What gotten on you guys?”said Jennie. She right. What gotten to us or me? We seemed like we like it. When Jimin kissed my neck I feel my heart beating so fast. Something is wrong....


Awww~ So cute😊 Just admit girls you guy fall in love with them right? Well, that so sweet.💞💞😝


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