Part 47 S2

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I cooked for Lydia and Lymin. My princess sit at the chair while drawing.

“Here,blondie. Appa, cooked you a Kimchi. Eomma teach me.”

But she didn't give any response. She keep focusing on her drawing.


Still no responsed.

“Hey, little princess. What's wrong?”

She looked at me with worried face.

“Appa...what if Eomma..being..kidnapped?” asked Lymin.
“Why you asking it so sudden? Is something wrong?” I hold her tiny hand.
“It just...Appa are mafia. I'm just worried about Eomma.” said Lymin.
“ okay blondie. Appa will protect Eomma. Okay?” I rub her hand gentle.

Than, she looked at me again with guilty eyes.

“A-Actually...I'm lying.” said Lymin.
“What do you mean, princess?”
“Eomma..didn't watching TV at all that time.”

Did..did she talked about how Lydia got her asthma?

“When I'm at the backyard playing, I heard Eomma yelling. So, I rush in.” said Lymin.


Lymin POV

I played with my dolls a at backyard. Than, I heard Eomma yelling. I rush in while holding one of my favorite doll than Appa and Eomma bought for me.

“Eomm-” I just about to yelling than I saw her struggled to escaped from that man grip. Than, Eomma realized me. She signalled me to hide. I'm so scare that time. I hug my doll tightly while hiding behind the wall. I cry silently wacthin my mother being hurt.

“CAN YOU LET ME GO!!!!” said Eomma. She try to punch but to weak since she got her asthma.
“Black Rose. Come on. He want you back.” said the man.
“I don't care. You coming with me.” that man dragged her out while Eomma tried to escaped.

She tried everything what she know. She just about to punch but her asthma...

“L..Let g-go..” eomma tried to cacth her breath.

But than, I saw a gun. I take it and pointed it to that guy. My hand shaking. But , I learned how to shoot from see Appa training everyday. I shoot him on the leg. My mother looked at me shocked. Than, that man run.

I run to Eomma.

“Eomma!! Are you okay?”
“Blondie..w-who teach..y-you..ahh..ahh.”

Than, Eomma hard to breath and talking.

End of flashback...

Did..did I heard right? Okay let me repeated this. First, a man come to my house and dragged my Queen? Second, my little princess hold a gun and learned it by see me training everyday?

“ hold a gun!?”
“Sorry Appa...” said Lymin while low her gaze.
“It okay. We will handle this later. First, how that man looked like?”

I admit it, I feel my blood boiled. I swear I will cut that man off.

“I only see he..wearing a black mask..blonde hair like me, rip jeans, sweater. ” said Lymin.

It not enough for me to find him. I let out a heavy sigh.

“Blondie, please. Don't hold the gun ever again. Got it?”
“Okay Appa.” said Lymin.
“Appa...before Eomma passed out..she said..don't tell this to Appa but I feel it wrong. I'm scared if something happen to Eomma so I have to tell you.” added Lymin.

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