Part 37: Lied

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I feel weak. I try to open my eyes but all see is blur. It take a time to see clear. And finally, I can see clear.

   “My hurt...” I hold my head and I can feel that I being chained. I looked ankle being chained, my wrist being chained and my..neck? Why my neck being chained.

I looked around and opposite of me is Jisoo and beside her is Jennie. I looked behind me is Lisa and Rose. So that's mean..I'm in a middle one.

Than..they looked like want to wake up.
   “Ugh..that hurt..” groaning Jennie.
   “Jennie!! You are awake!!”
   “Lydia!? W-why you are being chained? Wait..I'm being chained too.”
   “What so noisy...” it Lisa.
   “Lisa! Are you okay!?”
   “Yes..I am.” said Lisa.

Than, Jisoo and Rose wake up.
   “You all awake!! I'm so grateful.”
   “My children's!! Are my children's okay!?” asked Jisoo worriedly.
   “Yes, we are okay Unnie.” said Rose.

We giggle by Jisoo action. Like seriously? We still have time to laughed? We really crazy.

All of them being chained.

   “where are we? And why we are being chained?” asked Rose.
   “I don't know...”
   “Look like...the boys...believe on that stupid fucking Jongshin.” said Jennie.
   “Language, young lady.” said Jisoo.
   “I don't care.” said Jennie while landed her back at wall.

Why they believe on him? Especially Jimin. I let out a sigh.

   “It okay Lydia. I know you sad because of Jimin. ” said Rose.  I smiled to her.

I looked at my leg and the bullet still inside my leg. It hurt...

Suddenly...the door open...reveal...Kang Jongshin my old enemy and his daughter Kang Seulgi... And..Jimin?

   “Well, well,well. Looked who already wake up from sleep.” said Jongshin. He walked closer to me.
   “So you plan all of this...”

He let out a laughed.
  “No I'm not girl.” said Jongshin.
  “what? Than who?”

   “It me.”

I saw...Kai!? He walked closer to me.
   “Oppa? W-why...”
  “I'm not your brother actually. You are brainwashed Lydia.” said Kai.
I looked deeply into his eyes.
   “You are not mafia actually. But one day..your father fight with my father. Well...of course my parents win. Than you being locked up. We want to killed you but we thought it was no fun killed you like that easily. So we plan to make a plan. We brainwash you and tell you that you're my little sister. But we don't know that you will trained yourself to be a mafia.” explained Kai.

   “Fuck off Kai!!!” yell Lisa.
   “Oh never have a clue.” said Kai.



   “AHHHHHHHH!!!”  I feel my neck and my whole body being electric.
   “Is it hurt?”

Than my memory popped out.


   “AHHHHH!!!! STOPP!!!” I shouting at top f my lungs to begging them to stopped.
   Come on Lydia. Just one more time.”
   “Im...will be your future brother. Prepared to die Lydia...”

After brainwashed... I don't remember who am I. I only know Kai are my brother and my parents died.

   “Oppa!! I want some food~”
   “Here. I bought you your favorite chocolate. ” said Kai while laughed.

I remember everything. Yes...everything... So all...LIED...

   “Oppa. Can I learn fighting?”
   “Why?” asked Kai.
   “For fun. Well, I just want to be like you. A mafia.”
   “Up to you.” said Kai.

I spend the whole years,months and day with my fake brother. How a good lied. Isn't?

End of flashback...

I looked at him. He just smirked.
   “Remember something? ” asked Kai.
   “Yes. It was a memory with my...fake stupid fucking ashhole brother.” I spit to his face.

He let out a sigh.
   “You really cursing aren't you?” said Kai while wipe his face.

Suddenly... PAAKK!!!!

He slapped me.

  “Yah!! I will killed you Kai!!!” yelling Jennie.
   “If you can.” said Kai. He went out with Jongshin.

Seulgi and Jimin want to went out but Seulgi stop and hold Jimin shirt.
   “You know this what you get from stole my boyfriend. ” said Seulgi.
   “I don't do anything.”
   “Yeah whatever. I have to show you this.”

She went closer to Jimin and....she kissed him passionately. Jimin seem no emotion.
They broke the kissed.
   “ There. You see it, right? So his mine. Bye~”

She dragged Jimin out. But I see Jimin glance at me before out.
   “THAT stupid Slut!! This world has lied to us!!” said Rose.

It first time I heard Rose cursing.
   “Are you okay Lydia?” asked Jisoo.
   “Yes. Iam.”
  “Now, what?” asked Lisa.
   “Just wait for the right time.”


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