Part 61 S2

154 4 0

Jimin POV

“How many hours we have to arrive, hyung?”
“Maybe....1 hours 30 minutes?” said Jin.

I let out a heavy sigh. I'm worried about them. Namjoon probably don't have phone with him right now.

Namjoon POV

We still drive and don't know where to go. Why Jimin don't buy a lot of mansion? Ughhh.

“Where we are going right now, hyung?” ask Jungkook.
“I don't know either.”
“It suck.” cursed Tae.
“How if we go to Lydia old house?” asked Jimin.
“Jimin already sold it, remembered?”
“I see.”

It an awkward silence. The fuel almost finished and we still didn't know where we should go. I stop our car at the side so that we can think. Suddenly, I saw a girl no..a women standing in front of big building with phone on her hand. She looked like familiar but I can't see clearly because her gaze are down to her phone.

“Hyung. Is that...Jonghyun?” said Taehyung.

I take a proper looked again and it her. Lee Jonghyun. Lydia big sister. It not her sister but Lydia really closed to her. She save us when we fight with Kai that time. She also our business partner.

“It her.”
“What she doing there?” asked Jungkook.

We saw her probably waiting for someone to pick her up.
“Hey!! Maybe we can asked for her help while we don't have any place to stay.” said Taehyung.
“You are right.”

We get out from car and run to her.

“JONGHYUN!!!!” we three yelling at the same time.

She lifted her gaze and she looked frowned.
“Namjoon!? Tae!? Kookie!? What are you guys-”

Without let her finished we cut her off.
“We need your help!!!!”
“Okay. Calm down. What do you need?” asked Jonghyun.
“House? Is it the mansion that Jimin bought for all of you didn't enough?” asked Jonghyun with confused face.
“Actually...we...have a war and...our house..let just say destroyed.” said Jungkook while scratch his back neck.

Jonghyun frowned when heard that.
“Three of you get in the car, now.” she said.

We follow her and get in her car.
“I thought you waiting for someone.”
“What? No I'm not. I got some bunch of message from my husband. So I decide to check it first and than three boys yelling my name.” she said.

We just giggled and say sorry. Yes, Jonghyun already married. She married with Jackson or his real name Choi Taehyun. The guy who Jin invited to arrange our trip at Jeju Island. The guy who Jimin jealous of also because he call Lydia babe or baby.

Than, she asked with serious tone.
“I heard you say war before. Care to explained what happened? From start?” said Jonghyun.
“Hmm. It a long story.”
“Make it short.” said Jonghyun.
“Okay. Lydia betrayed us.”

She looked at me with mad and she almost hit car but so glad she control it.
“I think you should focus on the road also, noona.” said Jungkook.
“I'm sorry. Anyway, did you said that Lydia betrayed!? That impossible!!” said Jonghyun.
“Listen first, Jonghyun. I'm still not finished the short story.”
“Fine...” said Jonghyun.

“Okay. We all thought it was impossible at first. She leave us with Chanyeol, her friend. Chanyeol obsessed with her. She leave Chanyeol without any goodbye. So now, he get what he want. She leave us...and Jimin. At first, Jimin really broken until he doesn't want to eat. Than, we encouraged him to find her. We really thought that she betrayed us just because Lymin died. ”

“Wait. Lymin died?” asked Jonghyun.
“Yes. That why Lydia mad at Jimin who didn't do anything. She think it all Jimin fault because their daughter died but I don't think so. Now, for short. We already know that Lydia planned all of this. She trued to killed Chanyeol by herself without we knowing. She not betrayed us. We just need to tell Jimin about it because....”
“Because?” asked Jonghyun.
“Because...Jimin doesn't know this.”

It was awkward silence. Maybe Jonghyun didn't expected this will happened to us. To Lydia. Than, she broke the silence.

“If I were you guys, I wouldn't expected Lydia do that. I wouldn't think Lydia betrayed me because of what? Because...if she betrayed...she will leave Jimin just like that. But if she didn't, she will leave a clue to you guys to show where is she.” said Jonghyun.

She right. My theory is right!!!!!

“I can't help you guys. Sorry. Because, me and Jackson has another mission. Well, I can help you guys a little bit.” said Jonghyun.
“We just need a phone.”

We arrive at her mansion. We went in and saw Jackson watching movie with their kid.
“I'm home, jagiya!!” said Jonghyun.

She ran to Jackson and kissed his lips. I admit it I missed Rose. I also sure that Taehyung and Jungkook missed their wife. I can see from their face. Jackson looked at us with frowned.

“Boys!! Long time no see!!” he went to us and give a bro hug.
“Hey, Jackson. Nice to see you again.”


“Yah!! Jackson!! Why your kid hug me!!??”

We saw Jungkook struggling to get out from his grip. We just giggled.
“Sorry, kook. He really want to meet you. You are his idol.” said Jackson.

His child name Choi Sehun. He is 10 years old. They married early than us.

“Bunny. Can you played with me?” asked Sehun.
“What? I'm sorry I can't. I have a work to do.” said Jungkook with cold tone. Taehyung elbow him.
“Yah!! Don't be so rude to kid. I know you missed your daughter, Lizkook.” said Taehyung.
“I just-”

Without let Jungkook finished, Sehun jumped like a excited boy.
“It so cool he being rude!!!!”

Jungkook and Taehyung frowned and looked at Jackson with ‘What the hell’ looked. He just laughing and shrugged his shoulder.

“So. What happened.” asked Jackson.
“Jagiya. They need a place to stay.” said Jonghyun while approached us.
“What? Why? Did something happened?” asked Jackson.

We sit down at living room except for Jungkook. He need to handle Sehun. We told him full story. After I finished explained, I asked him.

“Why you..don't have any reaction? Even Jonghyun have a reaction when she know Lydia betrayed.”

He just giggled.
“I know Lydia for long time. She always do something stupid or decide something without tell everyone. I'm used to it but I didn't know her habit can cause war like this.” said Jackson.
“Anyway, where is Jimin?”asked Jonghyun.
“He at Busan but on his way to go back.”
“I'm sorry for you guys wife.” asked Jonghyun.
“It okay. We know Lydia didn't mean to do that. As long as her best friend there, she will be okay.” said Taehyung.
“I'm sorry boys we can't help you.” said Jackson.
“What? No no no it okay. We just need a place to stay and just like I said before, we need phone.”


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