Part 33: We need to find them!!

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I sit at my bed and focus at every single file.
First, Kang Jongshin, second, Dark Wings, and third, Lee Hongshin.

   “Lee Hongshin is died. But who killed him?”
I read Lee Hongshin file and then put it back. Than I take Kang Hongshin file.
   “Kang Seulgi? Where I heard that name?”
Well I feel like I heard it but where? I keep thinking about it.

There is no time because tomorrow school is start. I keep thinking it and thinking. Kang? Seulgi? Hmm..seulgi.... I keep repeated her name to helped me remember.

   “Ughh!!! Who is she!? I know her but where I found her!?” I fell in my pillow.
   “I think I heard it at school...”

I think about it again..than...
   “Wait.....SCHOOL!!!!” I get up and ran our from my room. I went to Rose hacking room cause I know all of them are there to find Kang Seulgi.

I slammed the door open and they looked at me with wide eyes.

   “Lydia!! Don't slammed the door!! You will give a heart attack to your Unnie!!” said Jisoo.
   “I'm sorry...” I try to cacth my breath.
   “What's wrong Lyl?” asked Rose.
   “K-Kang Seulgi...I...I know where..I know where and who is she!!!”

They looked at me with shocked face.
   “Where!?! Who??!!”
   “Do you remember the famous queen at our collage!?” they all nodded.
    “It her!! Kang Seulgi!! I heard her name everyday. She is very famous!”
    “Now I remember!! I know her too. I bumped into her and rude.” said Lisa.
    “Well, we have to find her tomorrow. ”said Jennie.
   “You're right. We have to.” I smirked so do them.

Next morning ~

We arrive at school and I just wear this:

We arrive at school and I just wear this:

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We walked on the hallway. Than..we heard a girl group talked about her. We approached them.

   “Um...excuse me.” they looked at us.
   “have you seen Seulgi?”
   “No we don't. People said she sick. So she don't come to school.” we looked at each other.
   “Do you know exactly where is her house?”asked Rose.
   “It not far from this school. It only two block from here, in front of pet café.” said one girl.

We run out from school and guess what? We will skipped school without telling the boys. I know I will been scolded by Jimin but it okay. I have secret weapon to make him calm down.

We get in to the car and drive to the cafe. Soon we arrive, we stop in front of cafe and went out. We looked at the building and it was apartment.

   “I guess it here.”
   “ we want to find her room?”asked Jennie.
   “Maybe we could asked the people there.” said Jisoo. We nodded.

We walked to the apartment.
    “Excuse me, do you know where is Seulgi room?”
   “You mean..Kang Seulgi?”said the old lady. We all nodded.
   “It at the second floor and her room number is 234.”
   “thanks!” we bowed and walked fast.

We keep find it and soon we arrive. We standing in front of her room. I knock the door but no responds. Than I knock again. Still no response. We looked at each other. I try to twisted the knob and it open!

I open the door and we went in slowly.
   “Hello? Seulgi? Are you home?”

We walked carefully because I can feel something is wrong.
   “Seulgi! It us! We are from your school!” said Rose.

  “ I know...”

We turned around and their she was...sitting at the couch,calmly. How we don't notice her? It weird.
  “How could you guys don't notice me? How shame. I'm really a good assasin.”


   “why you guys looked at me like that? Don't be afraid, you guys are mafia.” said Seulgi.

How she know? 
  “Black Rose...the famous princess mafia. But so shame they don't know who you are.” said Seulgi with crossing her leg.
   “So you know that we will come?”
  “It already being plan Lydia. How stupid you guys don't realize it?” said Seulgi.
  “So you being watching us for long time?” asked Jennie.
   “Of course. We being watching you. So do....the boys.” said Seulgi while smirked.
   “Don't you dare to touched them!!!” yelling Jisoo.

She just laughed like a psycho.
   “You trust them? I'm so weird. Why you trust them so much? You don't even know who are they.” said Seulgi.
   “W-What do you mean?” she smirked to us.
   “That's why..don't judge a book by it cover. You guys don't know what they do behind all of you. Fell in love with who...betrayed you? ” said Seulgi.

Betrayed? Jimin betrayed me? I don't understand.

   “What you mean they betrayed us!?” asked Rose.
   “Such a dumb you girls are. But it okay, all of you will find it later or sooner.” said Seulgi.
   “You guys plan to kill us?”

She laughed while stand up.
   “Of course. Everyone want to kill you.” said Seulgi.

Suddenly.... BAAMM!!!

We all head down. Seulgi shoot at us. Than, her men popped out nowhere. The girls start to have a war. I shoot the men all headshot. Than I saw Seulgi try to run.

I run after her leaving the girls. I need to know more about Jimin and the boys.
What she mean by betrayed.

We run at the hallway. And finally I grab her wrist. She lift her leg to kick me on the face but I grab it and elbow her.

I pinned her on the wall.
   “What do you know about Jimin!?”
   “He such a good actor.” said Seulgi.

She escaped from my grip and punched my stomach. I lifted my leg and swing it but she success to avoid. She back wrap her arms around my neck when I facing back.

   “You are really unlucky to know him. He betrayed you.” said Seulgi.
   “I trust him. He wouldn't do that such of thing!!”
   “Really? Than..have he tell you about his ex girlfriend?” wait, he have a girlfriend before?
   “So I guess you don't know. But I will tell you. I'm... His...ex girlfriend. And you stole him from me!!!” way.

   “Lydia!!!” the girls run to me. Seulgi pushed me and run off.
   “Are you okay!?” asked Jennie.
  “We need to cacth her!!” we run after her. Soon we get out from apartment she get in to her car and drive.

We went to our car but suddenly...


Our cars exploded and it cause us to flew. We all landing at the had road.

My eyes wide. We looked at each other in shocking.


I'm sorry if I make Seulgi bad here.🙇 Anyway, it not flew it just I don't know how to say.😂💕

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