Chapter 7

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Chapter 7~

<Taylor's POV>

*1 week later*

Nolan was arrested again. Not because he hit me...again, but because he was caught with illegal drugs. And not just a little. A lot. I don't think I'll ever see him again actually. Especially since today was the last day of school, and I'm traveling all summer.

I'll be in Paris first, then in New York visiting my parents, then California visiting dad, and finally the Bahamas. I can't wait for this summer before I start college. The best part is I'll be going with Erica and the boys. And once we get back Hayes and I will be moving into his-our apartment together, and Skylar, Jace, and Nate will be moving into mine and Erica's current apartment.

We leave for Paris tonight, and I couldn't be happier.

*3 months later*

"Babe?" Hayes broke me out of my book.

"Hmm?" I smiled up at him.

"Come on to bed. Its late and we have our first day tomorrow. You can finish your book later. Plus, I want cuddles." He pulled me up and set my book down on our coffee table softly. I was wearing one of his big black t shirts and some short pajama shorts and he was in his loose basketball shorts.

"Okay." I giggled letting him pull me off to our bedroom.

We had just gotten back from our trip in the Bahamas yesterday night, and today we just decided to do nothing.

I definitely had the most amazing summer of my life though. Spending it with my 5 closest people was a definite bonus.

I smiled as Hayes pulled my back against his chest securely, intertwining our hands in front of me. I looked at them picture on the nightstand table in the darkness. It was all 6 of us on the beach in the Bahamas smiling and playing around in the water. Right next to it was a picture of Hayes and I standing under the sunset, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck.

"I love you so much, Taylor." He kissed the back of my head and pulled me closer.

"I love you so much, too, Hayes." I smiled playing with our hands a little before falling asleep.


iMessage from Erica:

'How's class?'

'Fine how's the date with Jace?'

'Amazing as always'

'Nice gtg teach is looking at me'

'Have fun aha'

<Hayes' POV>

When Taylor pulled out her phone to text Erica, I assume, I decided to text Jace.

iMessage from Hayes:

'Hey man'

'Hey Hayes what's up'

'Just class I'm bored and Taylor was talking to me but she is texting your girlfriend now :('

'You're so whipped :)'

'Not whipped, in love and so are you'

'Fair enough..did you do it yet?'

'No tonight'

'Good luck'

'Thanks man gtg Taylor is snooping my phone now haha'

'Don't get caught bro bye'

I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket away from Taylor's eyes and earned and eye roll from her. I feel weird being so over protective of my stuff now, but I can't let her find out what I'm going to do.

"Class dismissed." Finally.

We drove home in silence, Taylor on her phone the whole time and just giving me simple one-word answers. We walked up to the apartment in an uncomfortable silence.

"Are you hiding something from me? Are you...are you cheating on me?" Taylor chocked out the words, her voice cracking a bit towards the end.

"What?" I snapped completely surprised by what she said.

"I don't want to believe it's true, but you keep hiding everything. You used to be open. We used to be open, but for the past month you have been sneaking around, hiding your phone from me, texting non-stop. I don't know what to think anymore, Hayes." She was crying now, and now, I realized what it seemed like. It did seam like I was cheating, and that's the worst thing I could've made her feel after everything with Nolan.

"No, baby. I swear I'm not cheat-"

"How do I know? I want to trust you, Hayes! Believe me, I do! But I can't! You can't just sneak around and hide for a month and expect me to think everything is fine between us and that I can completely trust you!" She was full on sobbing now, and there's only one thing I can tell her now. The truth.

I knelt down on one knee in front of her, and pull the box from my pocket. "Taylor, I love you. I never cheated. I'm so sorry you thought that. I didn't even consider that conclusion. The reason I've been sneaking around is because I've been trying to set everything up perfectly for this moment. For me to purpose, but I cant wait any longer. I need you to be mine. Not just my girlfriend, my fiancé. My wife. I love you so much. You are the most beautiful, smart, funny, and generous person I have ever met. And it would mean the world to me if you would be my wife. So, Taylor, will you marry me?" I hoped she'd say yes.

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes! Gosh, Hayes. I'm so sorry." I slid the ring on her finger and hugged her tightly.

"Shh, it's completely understandable." I smiled. "I'm just happy you said yes." I laughed.

"Why wouldn't I? I love you so much." She smiled kissing my lips.

"I love you so much more."

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