Chapter 3

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Chapter 3~

<Hayes POV>

"Don't worry about him. We can't even talk in class really. Plus, I'm here, and I won't let him touch you." I tried to south Taylor by rubbing her palm with my thumb.

"You're right. Okay." She smiled lightly to herself before tuning back to the teacher in front of the classroom. Thank god I see her between classes. I don't want that Nolan trying anything.


We had just gotten home from Taylor's swim meet after school today. She was really happy, and I know that swimming today relaxed her a lot. Sometimes I'm jealous that I can't relax her like that, but then I remember that I can sometimes. Most of the time.

"I'll make some food." Erica said laughing and walking off to the kitchen.

"I'll help!" Jace smiled walking in behind her.

"You mean, you'll watch me cook and eat the ingredients?" Erica laughed harder.

"Pretty much." Jace smiled sheepishly and slid into the counter.

"Well, we'll go play Fifa then." Skylar and Nate bolted to the game room.

"And I have to take a shower, so you can lay on my bed." Taylor smiled fiddling with my fingers in her hands.

"Okay." I smiled walking behind her to her room with my hands on her hips.

"Hurry. I wanna cuddle." I whined. Her cuddles are addictive though. Like drugs to an addict and she's my drug.

"Okay." She giggled skipping off into the bathroom.

I just laid there thinking of all the good times Taylor and I have had together.

"She won't leave me right? I mean now that Nolan is back? No. No way she was terrified of him. But maybe she was terrified of how she felt for him? God, I hope she doesn't leave me." I thought aloud my hands covering my face.

"I'm not going anywhere, H. Sorry, but you're now stuck with me forever." Taylor smiled as she combed her wet hair walking out in short pj shorts and one of my plain black t shirts that I loved on her.

"Good because I don't think I would be able to give up seeing you like this. In my clothes. I think you look better in them than I do." I smiled getting up and hugging her.

"I know right!" She said sassily before giggling. "You're still cute though." She smiled.

I walked over to her picking her up and running to the game room where Skylar and Nate were still playing FIFA and Erica and Jace were passing out food while Taylor wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist to hold on. When I walked in, I sat down with Taylor now in my lap on the couch.

"Here." Erica smiled passing Taylor and I a plate with some chips and sandwiches on it. Why waste two plates when we always share anyways?

"Thank you." Taylor and I said together making Taylor giggle a little and eat a chip. She slid off my lap to sit next to me and cuddle with the food in our laps. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder while she leaned into me and put her legs on my lap.

"So, Taylor?" Jace smirked at Taylor and we all turned to look at her, even Skylar and Nate paused their game and looked. She had the cutest confused face.

"Yeah?" She asked carefully.

"It's your birthday in 2 days." Nate smirked as well.

"And you'll be 17." Erica smirked.

"Which means you are finally old enough for us all to go to that underage club downtown." Nate smiled, I don't think he knows how to smirk.

"And we are taking you." I finished, kissing her forehead. Taylor was the youngest of us all. She was born 4 months after Nate, who is the youngest of us all. Then, Me, Erica, Skylar, and Jace.

"Oh." She gulped.

"Don't worry, babe. I'll be with you the whole time." I kissed her forehead again with a smirk at how much fun this will be.

The club is basically like any other club. Dancing, flirting, all that. Just no drinking. Its perfect, but you have to be 17 years old.

"Now, let's eat. We have school tomorrow, and it's already 10. You guys staying again?" Erica asked.

"Yep." All of us boys said together.

"K." Taylor said finishing her sandwich. We practically live in their apartment. I mean, we all have extra clothes here that we can wash in their washing room, so we never run out. We are all comfortable enough to shower here. Plus, everyone has a bed to sleep in, so no one is sleeping on the couch. Its perfect really.

<Taylor's POV>

"Good night, guys. Love you!" I yelled down the hall to Erica and the three boys while Hayes laid on my bed in his baggy basketball shorts that he keeps here for bed.

"Hey, what about me?" Hayes pouted as I closed the door and walked over to the bed.

"I love you differently." I smiled climbing under the covers along with Hayes and being pulled closer to his chest. He wrapped one arm around my waist pulling me so close that I rested my head on his chest and one of my legs dangled over his tangling our legs together. With his other hand, he intertwined it with one of mine letting it rest on his chest.

"What does that mean?" He laughed.

"It means that I don't want to kiss then. They are like family. You are like immediate family. Well, you know other than Erica of course." I laughed, too.

"Then, I love you differently, too, gorgeous." I smiled at him being dumb.

"Good night, H." I placed a chaste kiss to his chest before nuzzling back into it.

"Good night, babe." He kissed my forehead before letting his head fall back into the pillows and us both drifting off to sleep.


"Oh my god!" I woke up suddenly to a loud scream from a feminine voice.

"Mom?" I asked once I opened my eyes seeing a flash of blonde hair like mine.

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