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Andrea's POV

It took us a few minutes to find the house. All this sends chills down my arms, can I trust him? Am I going to be safe here?

He stopped the car and got out, I stayed still for a bit then got out.

When I walked inside, I looked around. I have to get used to this. My house - my parents house - it was more, homey, if that's even a word. This house is beautiful, but it looks way to expensive.

"They didn't do such a bad job at picking a house, they knew I like houses with pools, and the house to be big" He told me.

"Yea, they knew I don't like houses with so many windows. I would hate to live in a house that's basically made out of windows. I would feel to exposed." I said.

"Oh, than it's good they picked this house." He said.

Jack's POV

After we finished looking around the house, I spotted a piece of paper on the counter. I walked over there and began to read it:

Hey guys, we hope you both like your house. You guys can come and pick up your things after school.

P.s. Andrea, you now attend Jack's school, so go to the office and pick up your schedule. Make sure Jack shows you around and introduces you to his friends.

Love you guys.

I heard Andrea walk in the room.

"I looked in the closet and some of our clothes are in there. That would explain why some of my things were missing." She told me.

"Yea, I saw" I told her while handing her the note.

After she read it, she didn't have such a happy face on, more like an annoyed face.

"You must be kidding me! First they make me marry a total stranger, then this!! I don't wanna move schools, I like my school, I don't want to move away from my friends." She cried.

"I know, sorry about that. But remember, we don't have a choice." I told her while hugging her.

"Come on, we have school tomorrow and it's late" I said.

Unfortunately, the master bedroom was the only room in the house that had something we could sleep on. It just had a bed, closet, and a huge flat screen TV on a long drawer that had nothing in it.

But the kitchen had everything we needed which is good.

We got ready for bed and past out.


Andrea's POV

It was 7 a.m. and school started at 8. I didn't to be in Jacks way, so I got up early today. When I finished putting on my favourite flats, which are my Fuck flats, I went down stairs and made a right to the fridge. I opened it up to find milk, eggs, berries, soda, and a few bottles of water.

I picked the berries and the Fiji water. I went on my phone and texted my best friend, Indie, then went on Instagram. I took a picture of myself and typed '#OOTD' then posted it. I had 38 like in the next 5 minutes. I have 2k followers on Instagram, and 1.4k on Twitter.

I heard foot steps a few feet away from and turned around. It was a grumpy Jack.

"Morning" I said.

"Morning" He said back.

He opened a cabinet and took out a granola bar and sat next to me on the couch.

"What do you think about going to a new school?" He asked.

"Not happy, I love my friends, and just leaving them without saying anything is pretty messed up" I confessed.

"You're not leaving them, you are going to see them soon, don't worry about it. Plus, you'll love my friends, plus, two of my friends have girlfriends, so you'll have girls to talk to also" he told me.

"What if nobody like me?" I asked.

"Don't think that way, they'll love you. I don't know what you're like, so I can't say who you will get along with the most, but I know they'll like you" he said.

"Thanks, Jack. Anyways, we should get going, school starts in 20 minutes" I said getting up off the couch.

He got up right after me then we both grabbed our backpacks an put them over our shoulders.

"Andrea" he called me. I turned around to face him.

I saw him holding the ring. I totally forgot about that thing. I walked over to him and took it out of his hand.

"Thank you" I whispered, but said it loud enough for his to hear.


Jack's POV

We walked in the building and I heard to the office with her to get her schedule.

"Um, Hi. I'm new here, I came to get my schedule" She told the woman behind the counter.

"Name please?" She asks Andrea.

"Andrea Miller" I answered.

"Miller, Miller, here it is" the lady said taking out this big white binder out of a cabinet.

After she got it, we were about to head out, when the principle saw me. Let's just say we don't have the best past.

"Gilinsky. Good morning" He told me.

"Morning, Sir" I said through my teeth.

A smile grew on his face when he saw Andrea. He took out his hand to shake hers, she shortly took her right hand shook his.

"You must be Andrea, am I right?" He asked.

"Yea, Sir" she told him with a smile.

His eyes looked down at her binder and noticed the ring. I guess she felt a bit uncomfortable and hid her finger behind the binder.

"Is that an engagme-" I cut him off before he was able to finish.

"We have to go, don't want to be late to class" I quickly said and lightly pushed her out the door, as she ran walked quickly because of it.

"Thank you so much. That would have been super awkward." She smiled.

"You're welcome. Now come on, let's go find you locker." I told her and we walked off.

After we finished. We walked to my locker to find my friends.

"Sip guys" I greeted them, Andrea just stood next to me quietly.

"Guys, this is Andrea, my Umm ......girlfriend" I said unsure if I should or shouldn't.

"Hi" she said.

"Hey, Andrea" they all greeted her.

"I'm Evelyn" Evelyn smiled.

"I'm Leslye"




"and I'm Jack" he said being the last one.

"So how long have you guys been dating?" Sammy asked.

I knew if we said yesterday, and then they figured out we're "Engaged" they would Greek out.

"About three years" Andrea said.

"Three!" They all said loudly.

"Yea, sorry I didn't tell you guys, it's just she lived far away and I was scared you guys would judge" I lied.

There was a bunch of 'Oh's, 'Okay's, and 'It's Cool's.

After a few minutes of talking and all of us getting to know Andrea a bit more. The bell rang. My first class was Science, which I had with Cameron, Matt, and Andrea.


Second Chapter! I hope you guys liked it.

Like & Comment if you did.

Twitter: ItsYoungFreedom

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