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Andrea's Pov

I got up at 7 today to go for a jog. Running always helped me either clear my mind or help me focus. I ran to the park than around it a few times, I was listening to music the whole time, so I quite focus on what I was thinking about. And you guys should know, Me getting married and not being able to get out of it unless o slept with the guy. Honestly, if we even do, it'll still be a few years until we can get a divorce. Why couldn't we just like adopt it kid that's over 5 years old? It's still out kid even though we never made him or her.

I kept running not letting one get in my way, that was until someone ran into me when I wasn't looking. I fell down I hurt my leg, badly.

"Ow, Ow, Ow, Shit!" I cried in pain.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I realised it was a guy.

"It's okay, it's both our faults, don't worry about it - ow, ow, nope, I can't stand up" I said trying to get up on my two feet but failed.

"Oh, here" He help me up.

I looked up to see that he looked like. Oh my god!

"Drake?" I asked happily.

"Andrea? Oh shit, I didn't recognise you" He said.

"In a good or bad way?" I asked jokingly.

"Amazing, you got more beautiful than before." He said to me.

"Yea, thanks. You always used to tell me that everyday" I said.

"Yea, I missed that. And not just because we were dating, I was just simply telling the truth" He said.

I felt a wet liquid going down my leg. Blood.

"Shit!" I semi-yelled.

"You need to get this treated. Do you live near here? We could get you all cleaned up." He asked.

"Umm....... Yea, I do. Like two blocks away" I answered.

"Wait. Since when do you live in those houses? You always used to tell me that you hated big houses, that they felt to exposable for you" Drake said.

"They are, but sometimes I do things to make the people I love happy" I responded.

I hate the fact that I love my god damn parents.

"Oh, well let's get you to your house than" He said.


When we got their, I prayed for Jack to be asleep. I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

"This is a nice house" Drake told me.

"Thanks" I said.

Drakes hand was still around my waist helping not fall down.

"Where's your first-aid kit?" He asked.

"Umm - it's in the bathr-" I was cut off.

"Andrea? Is that you?" Someone else asked. And that someone else was obviously Jack. He's the only other one with access the the house.

Drake looked at me knowing that wasn't my dad. He gave me a weird look. I looked away.

"Umm, Yea, it's me" I answered.

He walked in basketball shorts and black Nike crew socks on - Only. Jack was also on his phone, so didn't notice Drake.

"I woke up and you weren't next to me. Where'd you go?" He asked never looking up until the end of this question.

Drakes face was filled with anger and jealousy.

Jack got a t-shirt that was on the couch and put it on, he must have left it their yesterday.

"I went for a jog" I answered.

"Well apparently not only that. Who's this?" Jack asked, in a annoyed way.

"I'm her ex boyfriend, but hopefully that ex could go away soon" Drake looked at me with pleading eyes.

This just got really awkward.

Jack laughed at this response.

"Who's that?" Drake asked

"I hope this answers your question" Jack walked towards me and put his arm over my waist like Drake.

"Get your hands off my Fiancé" He added.

Jack pulled me towards him and helped me walk to the bar stool chair we have.

"Fiancé? You're fucking joking" Drake looked at me.

I looked down.

"Look at her hand" Jack told him.

Drake did.

"You told me you would wait for me to get back. You fucking promised me, Andrea!" Drake cried.

"Drake, I'm sorry. I did wait, but things happened, things I can't control" I cried.

"You fucking little slut!" Drake yelled.

"Aye! Don't fucking call my fiancé a slut ever again!!" Jack got mad, really mad.

"Whatever. I hope you rot in hell" Drake looked at me.

I think that pissed Jack off way to much. He punch Drake in the eye and got on top of him repeating his punches. It turned into a full-on fight.

I didn't know what to do. I tried to pull them apart, but when I did, I got hit in my tummy.

I got worried someone would get hurt way to much, and that someone would be Drake. Jack knows how to fight, He used to box when he was younger.

I ran to the neighbors and pounded in their door. A man around his 20s opened the door.

"Can you guys please help me, my fiancé and ex boyfriend got in a fight and I'm scared!" I cried.

The mans eye filled with worry. He turned around to look at other people.

The man and someone I guess is his friend also around the same age came running out the door, along with a lady who I'm guessing is someone's mom.

They ran into my house and I noticed their was blood. I started to cry.

The lady comfort me while I was crying my eyes out. I've always hated when people fought, especially when blood is involved. The lady I believe call 9-1-1. I didn't try to stop her.

The 2 men pulled them apart and held them back.

Drake had a busted lip, a broken nose, a black eye, and a cut on his forehead. That's definitely going to cause a scar. And Jack only had a black eye and a bloody nose.

The police came him along and arrested both of them. Drake was resisting arrest, while Jack just let it all happen.

Jacks Pov

I went out in back of a cop car and just rested their for a moment. I can't believe I just did that. A part of me feels successful, while the other feels ashamed. Andrea hates fighting.

I just shut my eyes and the car take off, I couldn't look at her in the eye. I just couldn't


Hope you guys liked it.

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