Chapter 18

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=Jonah P.O.V=

It had to be evening time by now, the sun was setting and Minji was still persistently sitting there with the thumb up in the air.

We watched as the next vehicle passed us by, the driver sparing not a single glance at the two destitute people at the side of the road.

I had forgotten why I hated people so much; now I remember clearly.

People would do anything in their power to make other people's lives worse for their selfish motives. We are all selfish creatures; we hate to listen to anyone else, and sharing doesn't come as easily to us. Its funny how we think of ourselves as higher beings in the environment, but we still act like animals. I never understood that myself, to be honest. Why didn't I leave and let the girl just sit here and die on the side of the road?

"Hey, aren't you going to help~?" The girl, Minji slurred her words as she stumbled around. Her symptoms were getting worse and worse. I knew that alcohol was pretty strong, but I guess I had a pretty high tolerance not to notice it.

I figured she was drunk, but I didn't know that she was THIS much of a lightweight.

She tripped over her own feet and fell onto the rocky ground face first. She groaned in pain as she tried to get up, but my feet were there before I could think and rolled her over.

"Aiiiisshhhh, if it weren't for you~ I wouldn't be here, you crazy bastard!" She screamed, weakly punching my arm as I tried to sit her up.

"It's not like it was my fault to begin with, you know." I tried, obviously knowing that she wouldn't remember this conversation tomorrow.

"Hell YES it was. If I hadn't met Gina, I wouldn't be here with the oh-so-great-Jonah-who-claims-to-be-her-brotherrrr~" She slurred, slumping against me and mumbling nonsense words under her breath.

"Come on, up you go."

"NOOOOO IT HURTS~" She whined loudly, her voice echoing out into the empty space. I looked down to see that she had skinned her knee pretty badly. Crap. Now what do I do?

"Fine. Sit here and die." I snapped, letting her fall and beginning to get up, ignoring her insults and cries for help. As I started to walk away, I felt something grab my pant leg.

"Noooo, please stay!" She pleaded, giving me the biggest puppy eyes she could muster. I had to remind myself that she was drunk for a minute.

You always show your true self when you are drunk. Really drunk.

"Goddammit..." I cursed silently, picking her up bridal style and started to carry her. She weakly pounded on my chest and hiccuped.

"Put me down~ I can walk!" She mumbled, slowly falling asleep. She was getting heavier and heavier by the minute; I needed to sit down somewhere.

Hey, even the invincible people like myself needed a break sometimes!

"No you can't. If I let you walk it wouldn't be more than 5 seconds before someone hits you with a car." I retorted, trudging on and pretending to not let the extra weight faze me.

Were girls always this annoying?

"Nooo~ Let me down!" She whined, kicking her feet around, making it harder for me to walk. I sighed, reaching the peak of my patience. "NO." I told her firmly and loudly.

She immediately shut up, and I sighed in relief.

After a little while, she fell asleep and I stopped on another boulder to rest. Just then, I saw the bright lights of a car stop a couple steps before the boulder and a person looking up at where we were.

The Not-So-Cliche Cinderella Story (A VIXX FanFic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now